Chapter 37 : An Unwilling Sacrifice

2053 Words

*Daphne* The witch's grip on my arm was like iron as she dragged me along the road. My heart pounded with fear and anger–fear at what they would do to me, and anger at Rion for betraying me to save his sister. The witches hustled me along, glancing back nervously as though expecting pursuit. I prayed Rion would come after me but feared he wouldn't risk Eva again. Suddenly a battle cry rang out from in front of us. I glanced back to see Geoffery leading a battalion of Royal Guard warriors charging down the road, weapons drawn. The witches shrieked in surprise and outrage. "Release the princess!" Geoffrey bellowed. The guards let loose a volley of arrows. Most missed but a few found their marks, hitting some of the witches. The one holding me yanked me in front of her like a shiel

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