Chapter 24 : Fleeting Luxuries

1947 Words

Chapter 24: Fleeting Luxuries *Daphne* In all honesty, a bath was a luxury given the circumstances. I glanced at the pile of my grimy clothes that needed to be washed… again. I was tired of wearing the same thing every day. It made me miss all of the outfits I used to wear around the palace. While the tub filled with water all around me, I reminisced. The days of luxury seemed so far behind me. My escape attempt the night before had been unsuccessful, and it upset me. I wanted to save myself, but I also wanted to get better help for Rion and Eva. I just wasn't sure he would have listened to my advice. Still, considering how dangerous the woods were, I knew I probably would not have made it home alive. I glanced around for some soap and found a packaged little bar on the tub's only

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