Chapter 10

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EASTON November 22 I was finally going to do it. I was going to text Ty. It took two days to work up the courage, but I was finally going to do it. I took a deep breath, then typed, Hey, my favorite female hockey player, what's up? Two minutes later, I got a text that said, I really hope this isn't who I think it is. How did you get my number? Your wonderful father gave it to me. Oh joy, I knew he was up to something. He was acting really supicious at home and was asking who I'd been texting. Who else have you been texting? I asked. I was curious to see who else Ty had been texting. I hoped that she didn't already have a boyfriend. I didn't think she did since she seemed to spend so much time with that Calvin kid, and those two didn't seem to have any romantic feelings between them. Cal and my friends, Molly and the other hockey guys, nosy. Why do you want to know? she replied. I could almost hear the snarky tone in her texts, even though she wasn't actually speaking. Just curious, I typed. So that offer to workout with me is still available. When are you free? For you, never. It's not gonna happen, so you may as well stop trying. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the hockey arena and shoot a little bit. Aww man, I thought to myself. She denied me again and she's going to stop talking to me already? This is going to be harder than I thought. *** November 23, 2014 Hey, babe, what's happening? I typed. Ty hadn't replied to any of my other texts yesterday, so I decided that maybe if I annoyed her enough, she'd reply. What do you want, Easton. Don't you realize that I actually have a life? Shouldn't you be practicing or something? Your defense needs a lot of work. And she finally replies to me, I thought to myself. Well, I figured I may as well reply or you wouldn't leave me alone. I swear, though, if you keep texting me as much as you have, I'll block your number and get a restraining order. Aww, you don't want to do that, baby, I typed. Do you want me to hunt you down and hit you with a hockey stick again? she texted, obviously irritated. If it would mean getting to see your beautiful face again, then yes. I swear, you are impossible. What, are you going to call me an asshole again? What do you think your contact name in my phone is? she texted me. Ooo, harsh, I typed. So when's your next game? Since I know you're going to look it up anyway, it's on the 1st at Coon Rapids. I'll be there. I know you will, ugh. Watch out, I might hit you with my Bauer. Ooo, feisty. I like it. You're sick. You know you like it. I'll never like you. "You sure about that, babe? I texted, adding fuel to the fire. 100% positive, thank you very much. I don't know, maybe you should be open to change. You never know what might happen. I'm done with this conversation. Don't talk to me again, I mean it. Oh come on, you know you like talking to me, I typed. I hoped that Ty would reply, but she didn't. I guess I would just have to wait until the first of December to talk to her again.
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