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I decided to go to the police station first. Normally, doctors don't treat bullet wounds unless it’s consented by the police. I had to go and make a statement first before heading to hospital. The process was smooth, I found a lady police who attended to me real fast. They gave me a document to present to the doctor in charge and as we left, they were on their way to the carwash since they had got calls from people about the disturbance in the neighborhood. We got to the hospital at around eleven pm. I got out of the car and rushed to the back to get my boss. I took his arm and hanged it on my shoulder as we slowly walked towards the entrance. One of the nurses saw us and called her colleague who came to help me get him inside. He was put on a stretcher and taken into the ER as I was left filling the paper work. All these time my mind was not settled. In a span of two hours, I had killed four people. I tried convincing myself that it was the right thing to do at the moment and I didn't have to feel guilty but still my conscious wouldn't agree with my actions. Few hours later my boss's wound was all dressed and we were ready to go. I didn't know where we were going since I couldn't go back to my little comfort zone because of what had happened though I knew I had to take my boss to his place then figure it all out later. We got into the car and i drove off. He kept directing me since I had never been to his place and we choose not to use the normal route for fear of being attacked again. We had been silent all the way and when we got to his compound he unbuckled his seat belt laid back on his seat. Me: sir, are you okay? Boss: how can someone be okay after such a narrow escape from death? I didn't have a response for that so I sat there waiting for him to release me. Boss: I owe you my life, where did you learn how to handle a gun like that? Me: my father taught me the basics. He worked in the military. Boss: so what were you doing at the car wash that late? I was silent. Then took a deep breath. He looked at me waiting for a response. Me: I have been sleeping in the car by the gate for a while now. I don't have anywhere to go after work. I took his gun and handed it over to him. Boss: why didn't you tell me about your situation? Me: I didn’t think it was necessary I thought I could raise some money and find myself a place. Boss: you can stay here. I don't think we will be going back to the car wash anytime soon since the place is now a crime scene. I saw a beast in you tonight. You did something that not even my right hand man could do to save my life. Me: it wasn't just your life I was saving. How did those people get to you? Boss: my guess is that one of my employees set me up. They knew how much money I had in there and they knew where to find me. Me: am sorry, you should get some rest. It’s been a long day. Boss: tomorrow I need you to wake up early. There is somewhere I want us to go. We got out of the car and he showed me a room where I was going to spend the night. He invited me to have dinner with him and his wife but I couldn't. I wasn't even hungry. All I wanted to do was wash off the blood in my hands and face before anybody else saw the beast in me like he did. The night was quite unusual. Whenever I closed my eyes to sleep all I heard were sounds of gunshots and the sight of my boss lying there with his bag of money close to his chest. These rich people though, he would have rather died but not let go of his money just like that. I kept turning and tossing then suddenly the ”what if” questions starting creeping through my mind. This was going to be a sleepless night indeed. I don't know how I fell asleep but the next thing I heard was a bang on the door. I jumped out of the bed and rushed to open it. It was the boss looking sharp in a suit. Me: damn its morning already? I asked looking at the clock by the wall. It was seven fifteen am. Boss: get dressed we are leaving in ten minutes. I thought he would leave but he stood there scrolling through his phone as if he was looking for something. Boss: how would you feel about working for me? Me: what have I been doing all along? Am not used to this boss/employee situation and so I found myself talking to him like I talk to anybody else and that includes replying a question with a question like a typical African that I was. Boss: I didn't consider that work. I want you to be my right hand man. You earned it yesterday when you saved my life. I don't know you well but I feel like I can trust you with my life and much more. Me: what exactly is my job description? Boss: you will oversee my business, my boys will bring in cash from selling their goods and your work is to keep track of that money and pay them. Me: by goods you mean drugs? Boss: just bhang in form of cigarettes, cookies, chocolates it's good business. I was raised up well, I had never tasted alcohol leave alone anything to do with drugs and by that I mean the likes of bhang cocaine and the rest. I can't believe I was debating in my mind whether to take the job or not. Boss: you are not obliged to take the job. If you are not comfortable you don't have to. Me: No what do you mean, I will take the job. I said as I smiled even though I was so nervous. I had killed four people last night and this wasn't as bad after all, it's not like I was going to kill anyone else. I thought. Boss: good decision your assignment starts today after you meet the crew. This was getting real. The son of a military officer getting deep into crime. We were having all these talk as I was dressing. I realized he wasn't going to leave and from the way I knew him, twenty minutes was twenty and not twenty one. I had left my bag at the crime scene and that included all my clothes. I was forced to wash the shirt I was wearing last night and so it hadn't dried completely but I had to wear it anyway. We left the compound and from the look of things I would be the one driving him until his hand got better. He made a few phone calls throughout the ride then we got somewhere and I pulled over by the side of the road. Boss: what is it, is there a problem? Looking up from his phone. Me: you do understand there's need to protect my image having told you my background right? Boss: yes, your point exactly? Me: I need a mask. He burst out in laughter. Then became serious when he realized I wasn't joking. Boss: what for? Me: if am going to step into your world of thugs and drugs I need a different identity. No one else but you gets to know what I really look like. Boss: you watch too much movies. People ask for millions and you ask for a mask? Am not sure how hilarious that was but I wasn't finding it funny. Boss: If a mask will make you sleep soundly at night I will get you one. Me: I meant now before I meet your crew. He must have thought I was losing it but I knew what I was doing. He couldn't say no to me because he made it clear when he said he owes me his life. This was me talking advantage of the situation. I needed the mask to protect myself from my enemies since I knew I was going to make a lot of them considering what I had signed up for and again, I didn't know how well the guy was connected and I didn't know who I was going to bump into. Last night one of the guys I had killed had a familiar face. I had seen him at the food kiosk and when he removed his jacket I saw a pistol tucked in the back of his trouser but he quickly untucked so that no one else could see what I had seen. He gave me this look that made me act like I did not see anything. I think the fear in me was speaking in volumes. My boss got off down town to go look for a mask as I went in circles trying to find a parking. I had never driven in the city as the best I did was drive my uncle's track as we went for charcoal in the nearby town.. I kept going in circles looking for a place to park the car as I waited for my boss. The reason why I was going in circles was because my boss had asked me to park at a specific place considering the fact that I didn't have a phone. That would save him the hustle of looking for me. I got a spot in one of the parking lots, parked the car and got out to stretch my legs a bit. It wasn't long before I saw him approach on a motor bike and as soon as he paid the guy we got in the car and before I started it he handed me my mask. It wasn't those big masks that would scare the hell out of people but a simple mascaraed like leather mask that would cover only a portion of my face. I loved it. Boss: that should do for your little adventures Me: yes. Thanks Boss: I really like the fact that you are so smart, in fact from today I will call you Beast! Me: why beast? Boss: because you are very gentle on the outside but a beast on the inside. I wasn't finding humor in what he was saying probably because I felt like he was mocking me for what I had done yesterday to save his life. I opened the other bag and pulled out a small box. I checked inside and it was a brand new phone. My boss had just bought me a phone! and as a result I had this broad smile on my face as half my problems had been solved in a day. This was indeed a good day. Boss: That should cut the communication barrier. Me: am grateful. So do I owe you anything for this? Boss: Not at all. Consider it a token of appreciation for saving my life. I smiled then thanked him as I started the car. He gave me the direction to our next destination and I drove faster as traffic hadn't built up yet and in half an hour we were at the site. He got out of the car and walked inside the building as I hurriedly followed him. When we got inside one of the guys came to meet the boss and shook both of our hands. Boss: Finch meet Beast, Beast this is Finch. The name had taken effect immediately and finch looked at me like what sort of name was that, i mean he didn't see anything beastly about me. Finch: a new employee? Boss: No, he will be taking over my role. The two of you will work hand in hand to make sure this place stays up and running. There wasn't a sign of excitement in Finch's face and if it were me, I would not be happy when someone else came in and took a place that would have been mine. Where was this boss's loyalty? The boss asked Finch to gather the rest of the guys around as he had an announcement to make. He rarely addressed them unless it was very important. Everyone gathered and the boss spoke a few words then introduced me them. One guy in the crowd laughed my guess is that he was finding amusement in my mask. Boss: kwesi step forward he did. Boss: what is funny Kwesi: I was just wondering if he can see in that thing he is wearing on his face. He looks so soft for this job I mean can he even handle a gun? Boss: how about we find that out right now? Finch get two tables one on each side. Have a gun on each table and have them dismantled. Finch had two guys help him carry out the instructions and in a few seconds they were done Boss: beast take one table and kwesi take the other. We did as he said. Boss: I want you to fix your gun in 20 seconds and whoever gets it right drops the other Me: what? Kwesi: are you scared? Of cause I wasn't scared but how do you say hallo to people by blowing off their brains? The boss looked at his watched then shifted his gaze to me then to kwesi. Boss: your twenty seconds starts now! We got to business. I don't know what sort of trainings they had been given but I was confident in the lessons my dad gave me. In a few seconds I was done. I aimed my gun at his shoulder, shot him twice and he dropped. Boss: (looking at his wrist) fifteen seconds, quite impressive even though you didn't follow the last bit of the instruction. Me: you said drop him isn't he down? Boss: I meant kill him. It’s not my thing to go on a killing spree for no good reason. What does he think I am? I thought to myself. Kwesi was down in pain but no one could touch him unless the boss said so. it wasn't my thing to go killing people for no good reason and so I wondered if kwesi would have killed me had he been the one who finished first. Boss: may this serve as a lesson to all of you, never underestimate the opponent. Don’t judge someone by how they look or dress, not even a lady .Not every bad guy has a scar on his face.
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