Aia. Her face is sadistic as her eyes glow bright blue, a vindictive smile on her face as she sprints forward, heading straight for her brother. She pays no attention to the hundreds of Werewolves charging for her, her focus is on Stano, and only him. It is terrifying and it makes Mackenzie wonder if that’s what people see when she gets angry… the fury... The rage... She continues to run forward with great speed before she laughs maniacally and leaps off the ground, flying towards Stano. He snarls loudly before he too leaps off the ground and begins to hurl towards Aia, the two of them colliding in the air before they begin to fight mid-air all while falling back onto the ground. "Ryla..." Verkos lets out without turning his head to his sister, his fists clenching at his sides as his