
503 Words
Gemma, now 18 and a Senior began her journey at Middleton Academy of the Unique and Highly Gifted Elite, at the tender young age of only 13. When she arrived at the school in the middle of the year she was finishing up 8th grade. It wasn't that she was not smart enough, that was not the case, far from it. In fact, if truth be known, she was probably too smart for her own good. All she had been trying to do since she got there was find a place where she could fit in. It wasn't that she longed for popularity, she had already come to terms with her plain Jane look, her inability to express herself easily, and the fact that she hadn't spoken one word since the accident when she was 4 years old. She had managed to make a few friends over the years that still enjoyed her company. Also, she had one boyfriend but it didn't last long. You know how guys care too much, at that age anyway, as to what other boys think about the girls in the school. Too skinny, too fat, too black, too white, too short, too tall, once the word ugly is used or weird you are pretty much toast. So it was on and then off again almost as soon as it got started. All the Kids in her school teased her, called her names, made fun of her and were just basically mean as Hell to her. She just thanked God that each and every day that he gave her the inner strength to not pay attention to their s**t and in her mind they were "The s**t For Brains" for treating her the way they did and not the other way around. Little did she know that summer was about to change everything and that she would grow into that young woman that was biting at the bit to unleash in her body and turn her into the Most Beautiful Creature the world had ever seen. So Look Out High School here She Comes and with Her New Looks and Attitude she can afford to come with a little vengeance, on her side, for the wrong that has been placed upon her. "If I were one of those people, she thought, "I'd be watching my back because when I come, I'm coming hard and swift, and with punch so well aimed they'll never know what hit them." She smiled applying her lipstick . She took one last Look in the mirror, satisfied with her complete makeover. No one will recognize her and she turned away, shut out the lights, and walked out the door towards her car and she was ready to let it all hang out and loosen up, learn to be herself and learn to be comfortable inside her body so the real her felt free to emerge after all these years of being pinned up in her. Heaven knows she's ready to have some Fun.
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