Chapter 5

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The following morning Nico wrapped around Katya, thinking about the conversation he had with his cousin Hades. Katya wakes up “You don’t believe it’s related, do you?” She kisses his chest. “No Princess I don’t.” He kisses the top of her head. “We have bastards coming at us over whatever the hell reason. It would be nice to know why but the ending will still turn out the same. Their asses are dead. At least Lycan King Can Scorpio knows why mutherfuckers are coming after his Kingdom. They want his wife Jesiree, and their daughter.” Nico pulls her on top of him. “Hades said Jesiree is related to Dracula. He didn't go into all the details, Hades said after he makes sure his friends are safe before he visits us." Katya licks his lips "Oh really then I must meet Jesiree and the Lycan King. I wonder if he's as ruthless as they say.” She smiles thinking about some of the stories she has heard about King Can Scorpio. "What the hell is she smiling about?" Nico thinks then he frowns. "Change the damn subject." She is about to kiss him when Zahn informs them Damon wants to speak with them this morning. It’s important. “s**t" Nico mumbles looking at Princess sliding off him. He turns her on her back. Damon can wait for a few. You need to finish what you started.” He pokes her with his hard shaft. “Grandfather can but your sons can’t.” Katya looks at the door and laughs when she hears two light knocks. Nico shakes his head looking at the door “Our sons have bad timing. Damn real bad timing.” He closes his eyes listening to Gio and Ciraco calling him. Katya chuckles looking at the clock “It’s almost eleven we should have been up. You didn’t let me go to sleep until after three.” “You shouldn’t be so damn sweet.” Nico looks at the door “They’re not going to leave, are they?” “Nope,” She gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom. Nico tells his sons to come in. Gio is carrying his father’s guitar. Nico is about to ask him why he has it. Then he remembers he had told them to bring it to him this morning. He takes the guitar from his sons. Thanks, them, and rushes them out of the room. He gets out of bed and walks into the bathroom singing one of the poems he had written for her. Today is their seventh wedding anniversary. Katya covers her mouth and sits on the chaise looking at her naked husband serenading her. She claps when he finishes. “Oh, Babe that was beautiful. Happy anniversary. I thought you had forgotten.” “Princess the day we exchange our wedding vows is a day I won’t ever forget. Happy anniversary. I love you” Nico looking at her pulling him closer to her by his waist. “I love you too. You deserve a special treat.” Katya licks the head of his shaft. Nico smile and thinks “Damn I should sing more often to Princess.” He moans when she starts sucking his joystick. ***** Zell and Kyra are meeting with the warriors Katya wants all the women to make sure the sss borders have double security. Kyra notices Zell keeps looking around, so she starts looking also. But doesn’t see anything different. “Someone is missing. Do a head count.” Zell looks at Kyra. Kyra nods buts and looks at the warriors then Zell grabs her arms “Never mind. Do any of you know where Zazie and Naga are?” Zell looks around at the women. All the warriors are looking around and shaking their heads. Zell forms some search parties and they all go in separate ways looking for their two sisters. Heloisa also joins the search party, she is concerned the women have been attacked. After searching for a little over an hour she can’t understand if they were attacked and why neither one contacted her granddaughter or Zell. Zell is communicating with someone through her link. A few minutes later she calls the search party off. She looks at Heloisa “Kat contacted me because she felt Zazie and Naga abandoned the pack. She said they are no longer our sisters and will be treated as enemies “Well, now that explains why they didn't contact anyone. I wonder why would they leave like that?” Heloisa mumbles. “Kat is concerned they will tell someone our location and they might come here. The Queen is returning this morning. " Zell is now tripling security and orders two women to search Naga and Zazie's houses. If they find something bring it to her. Heloisa is talking to Zoe, Zell’s grandmother. Some warriors have deserted the pack before. They are also worried about the two women's motives. At first, Zoe said maybe they found their mates. But she retracts that statement after thinking about it for a few minutes. It came to me that if they did they would have introduced them or him to the others instead of sneaking out like cowards. “What did the queen say to do if we encounter Zazie and Naga?” Anamaria looks at Zell. Naga is her blood sister. Zell looks at the young lady. “That depends on the situation. If they have betrayed us the Queen said to kill on site. I know you don’t want to hear this because you love your sister. But if they have crossed the line then it’s kill or be kill.” **** Damon is in the den when Katya, Nico, and their family arrive. Vera takes the kids upstairs. Nico and Katya walk into the den the first thing she sees, should I say doesn’t see is Nico’s recliner. Nico hasn’t noticed yet because he’s in an uproar about Brigham thinking he would have his Princess. The more he tells Damon about it the angrier he gets. “We'll be receiving a visit from his arrogant brother as soon as Randolph hears that you and your wife killed his brother and cousin.” Damon shakes his head at Katya. She stood behind Nico pointing at the empty spot. Damon tells them last night it came to him that the attacks might be bigger than he thought. Usher was turned by Rome. Salene participated in the war they had with Rome as Ricardo and Eses were. He doesn’t have any idea how many jerks Rome turned. What if they’re all joining forces to avenge his death? Nico points at Damon. ” That explains your and my grandfather’s attack not the one on Princess and I. That one had something to do with your damn enemy Randolph. His ass didn’t have the nerve to come himself. So, he sent his weak ass brother.” Where the hell is my chair?” He walks over and stands where his chair used to be. “That would be my doing? A replacement will arrive any day now.” Damon looks at his granddaughter sitting down. “Grandfather, did either of our AWOL warriors know where you and grandmother were?” Katya is patting the floor with her feet and looking at Nico. He's looking around the room to see what else has been demolished. “Not that I’m aware of” Damon sits down. “Did you pick up on anything from them as your links broke?” Katya rubs her chin, shaking her head. “No, which I find to be very strange. Baby come sit beside me.” She holds her hand out to Nico. He takes her hand and sits down “I couldn’t think of her damn name. All I could think about was killing that bastard. Vynette was the name that the asshole said. Is there any woman here with that name?” She shakes her head. “Tomorrow you and I are going look around. Let’s see if my hunch is right. I would say tonight but I have something planned and I want you all to myself.” Katya gives Nico a peck on his lips and walks out of the room. Zazie and Naga I hope you're smarter than what I'm thinking." “My wife and I are going to kill some assholes tomorrow night. Her idea of looking around means killing. What did you do to my chair?” He looks at Damon
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