Chapter 3

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Pete looks at the werewolves running their way. He's about to say something when Kendall grabs him, sinks her teeth into his neck, and rips it out before she tears his head off. She uses her vampire speed and jumps on the shoulders of another vampire and rips his head off. Zahn has killed three vampires and stakes one in the heart. Marlon runs toward him, and he starts running toward the man and kicks him in the chest. The vampire smashes into a tree and slides down it. Zahn picks the man up by his head and throws him on a broken tree branch. The branch goes into Marlon's heart, causing a true death. Sarge has a vampire head in his mouth and sinks his teeth into it so hard that the head crushes. He spits the pieces on the ground and jumps onto a man clawing his chest. Yukon swings his sharp claw and beheads a vampire. A vampire jumps on his back, trying to bite him. He falls on his back, jumps up, and bites the man's neck ripping a piece out then detaches his head. Katya is shooting several fireballs at some vampires then she shifts into Seraya. Seraya runs and leaps into the air, landing on two vampires and knocking them to the ground. She growls, bites one in the neck of one, and swings at the other vampire's chest. Once she kills them, she looks around for Diesel. She sees him with a vampire's stomach in his mouth. He bites it in half and growls, walking toward Brigham. He starts changing into Nico because he told Diesel Bingo is his to kill. Brigham looks at Nico in disbelief. "How in the hell are your clothes on after shifting?" Nico points at him. "How in the hell can you attack some f*****g body and don't know a damn thing about him? I hope your ass is ready to meet the devil" Nico kicks Brigham in the face. Brigham grabs his face and stumbles to the ground. He kicks Nico's leg. Nico raises his hand, and a lightning bolt comes out and goes into Brigham's leg, he screams looking at a pissed-off Nico. "Nobody talks s**t about my Princess. No f*****g body." He forms a large blue ball and throws it at Brigham's chest. Nico feels two hands around his waist. He chuckles and turns to look at Katya. "Princess, I believe we'll be able to make our date tonight after all." He kisses her. ***** Damon and Heloisa arrived in Brazil from the Caribbean early this morning. He has been on a rampage ever since they were attacked this morning while they were swimming. Damon wants to know how in the hell did that coven know where they were. Heloisa had tried to calm him down. Damon tells her not until he finds the assholes who are behind this foul s**t. He considered visiting Katya at the palace but decided to wait until they returned to the palace. Zell and Felix walk into the room. They were at the training field and heard Damon yelling. She wanted to know what was going on. Felix shook his head, looking at Damon, who just blew up a chair. "You ask" "I think I'll take my chances with Mrs. Heloisa" Zell looks at what is left of the chair while walking to the sofa where Heloisa is sitting. Helosia says sixty-something vampires attacked them on their private island. Only a handful of people knew about their hideaway. Zell tells them about Kat, and the others were also attacked by vampires, and a looney woman named Hila is after Katya and Nico because of that weasel Kirk. Damon's head snaps, looking at Zell. She's still babbling about the woman who is crazy. He walks over to Felix and gets the details about the attack. Felix tells him the names of the dead vampires. "I should have known his ass was behind this s**t this morning. " Damon blows up another chair. "Oh s**t, that was the recliner the kids gave Nico for Christmas" Zell covers her mouth. "Ooo, your grandkids are going to get you." Helosia walks over to Damon. "Dear, you should calm down. Destroying everything isn't helping." She looks at the spot where the chair used to be. "Yep, our grandchildren are going to kill you." Damon frowns, looking at what's left of the chair. "I hope you know where they bought it from. Hopefully, I can replace it before they arrive." He looks at Felix and Zell. "When are they returning?" Zell informs him since the pack was attacked, they aren't sure. Katya said for her to contact them if anything happens here. Then she looks at him. "I don't get it. You two and the pack were attacked. Why weren't the coven or the sss pack attacked?" Kyra and Brooke walk into the room, looking at Zell and Heloisa. Felix hugged Zell. "Kitten, by their expression, maybe you spoke too soon." "Salene and Alpha Drake's pack were attacked about an hour ago. Salene said they managed to keep the vampires from seizing their land but lost ninety-three warriors. " Brook looks at Heloisa. "This doesn't make any sense. Why did they go after Salene and her mate's pack? Black Forrest doesn't have anything to do with the coven." Helosia yells, looking at Zell communicating with someone. "We probably have too many warriors here" Felix rubs his chin. "That has to be it." "I warned my brother to double security just in case. Katya sent some of the coven and women to both packs. She and Nico will return tomorrow. But the palace is on high alert. My word, what is wrong with Ricardo." Zell is looking at Ricardo, cussing while walking up the hall. "s**t, the bastards must have gone after him too" Damon pours two glasses of Brandy. He meets Ricardo and gives it to him. Ricardo downs it in one swallow. "Those fuckers weren't expecting me to have a f*****g pack. I spoke with Nico right after they were attacked. So, I beefed up security a few minutes later f*****g vamps came out of nowhere. We taught their asses a lesson. I can't stay long. Eses is overseeing the pack while I'm here. I wanted to update you on this bullshit." He looks at Damon. "Man, you'll never guess who I stake the f**k out of?" Damon repeatedly shakes his head. "One of the Akash brothers" "Nope, it wasn't one of those dickheads. But it was a dickhead. Usher, I stake his damn ass now he's with his asshole brother Rome." Ricardo picks up a bottle of whiskey. "Didn't you turn that mutherfucker ?" "No, that was Rome's doing. Damn, I was sure it was an Akash. Now I'm confused as hell as to which asshole it is." Damon takes the bottle from Ricardo and turns it up until it's empty. Ricardo points at Damon and shakes his head. "You're wrong for that. Your ass has never liked sharing." He picks up another bottle of Brandy. Helosia sits down, looking at her mate and friend, " Boys, they’re little boys." Zell looks out the window "Kat is right something isn't right."
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