The Agreement

1482 Words
{Amara’s POV} As his eyes fell on me, I could see many emotions flash across his face, before finally settling on one, anger. “What happened in here?” He asked gruffly. “Well.. I supposed you’re the one that has a meeting with Marco?” I asked, looking over him then turning my attention back to my book. “Answer me!” He barked it like an order. “Only if you answer me! I don’t take orders from you, or your men. I gave them specific instructions, sit down, drink, and wait quietly. What did they do? They caused a ruckus, and one of them even assaulted me. I thought that maybe I shouldn’t have gone so easy on them, but I knew someone was on the way so I didn’t have time to play with them.” I said, flipping the page in my book. “You really expect me to believe that you did all of this?” He asked, then looking closer at the bodies. “One shot each..” he muttered to himself. “Mhmm, it’s easier than getting into one of those nasty shoot outs for absolutely no reason.” I nodded, continuing my book. “How did you take out an entire room full of elite soldiers?” He asked, walking to the couch and sitting down at the other end. “Maybe because your elite soldiers were complete trash, maybe next time hire people that are actually worth while. Now as I said, I want silence, I’m trying to finish my book!” I snapped. “Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?” He asked, a slight snarky tone to his voice. “Well, seeing as how you seem to think you have authority, and seem slightly spoiled, I would assume a Mafia Heir.. perhaps one who’ll be taking over soon. Meanwhile, you’re speaking with someone who doesn’t care.” I shook my head, flipping the page in my book once more. “And who are you? Some little girl who knows how to take out exceptional fighters.. someone who thinks that she could actually go toe to toe with a boss?” He asked, leaning back and crossing one leg over the other. “Oh no..” I said in a mocking tone. “I’m shaking in my boots!” I then kicked out my leg, and looked at it. “Oh wait, not wearing any.” I finished, turning my attention back to my book. I noticed he was quiet, when I looked up I could see his eyes trailing up and down my legs, landing on my a** which was partially exposed in my lacy panties. I chuckled to myself, and went back to reading. “What’s so funny?” He asked, his voice cold, and void of emotion. “Just thinking about how all men are the same, little monsters that think with the head that’s between their legs instead of the one that’s on top of their shoulders. That’s what got your men into trouble, calling me the entertainment wasn’t a very good idea.” I laughed, flipping the page once more. Suddenly the elevator rang, and in walked my father, with his two body guards. Jerry, and Micheal were both at least 6’3 and each weighed around 300lbs. They were massive to say the least, and my father liked being surrounded by big shields. They looked around the room, my father’s eyes darting to me. “What have you done now Amara?” He yelled at me. “Nothing they didn’t deserve, plus, you did say to make sure they didn’t leave. Hard for them to leave now..” I said, standing from my spot on the couch and slowly walking towards him. “Next time you invite people over, make sure to give me a heads up so I’m not in my favorite pajamas! I’ve absolutely soaked my panties, and robe with their filthy blood!” I walked past him and towards the hallway where my room was. “Amara, you need to begin behaving like a lady! Otherwise I’m never going to be able to marry you off!” He shouted after me. “Behave like Angelica?” I asked, looking back to him. “Marriage, and behavior are the two things that killed her, neither one interest me.” I said coldly. “Your sister was my little princess, you act more like a thug!” He shouted. “And I’m still alive!” I snapped. “I plan on staying that way, using whatever means necessary!” I walked into my room closing my door behind me and locking it. He’s been trying to marry me off since Angelica’s murder, but the monster daughter doesn’t hold a candle to the Mafia princess. I sighed as I stripped off my dirty clothes and tossed them into my hamper. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the water in my shower. I stepped in, and washed off, completely scrubbing the blood and filth from my body. I got out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me. I walked back into my bedroom and opened my closet, walking in and looking for some pajama’s. I found a pair of sweat pants, they hugged my curves just right, then I quickly grabbed a crop top and pulled it over my head. I towel dried my hair slightly, leaving it damp. Soon I walked back into the main rooms and made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed a beer from the fridge and walked to my father’s office. “I’m so sorry about Amara.. she’s been through a lot..” my father said, his voice as gruff as always. “If those men couldn’t beat her, then they weren’t much use to me..” the other man replied coldly. “Of course, so you were wanting to discuss what exactly?” My father asked. “Well, after my previous bride was taken from me, you did offer me another one. My father is very adamant that I marry one of your daughters..” he answered. “Well, I only have three left, there’s Maria my youngest, she’s only 16 though. Then Raina, my oldest.. she’s left the family.. I haven’t spoken to her in years..” my father said, fumbling his words. “I want Amara!” The man said, shocking not only my father, but me as well. “Amara.. she won’t marry.. she won’t listen to anyone.. you saw what she did tonight..” my father said. “Yes, which is exactly why I want her! I want to have the strongest woman at my side, one that can handle herself and won’t be a burden to me.” He replied. I could feel my blood boiling, I wouldn’t marry the monster who let my sister die.. then it hit me. If I get close to him, then I could take out his mother.. and possibly his entire branch.. I’ve always hated being born into this mess, and if I could take out another branch of the mafia here, then I’d be doing myself a great service. I waited at the door for a moment before pushing the door open. I walked in sitting down in the seat beside this man. “I accept his offer, I will marry him next Saturday. Rent out the big church on WestLand Street. This will be small, only immediate family, and no reception afterwards. I will move in wherever I am supposed to the night of the wedding, and we will discuss any other issues alone. These are my terms, and they are non negotiable.” I said, stunning my father, and earning a raised eyebrow from the man. “These terms are agreeable, I’ll call the church first thing in the morning, I have a mansion on the other side of town, I will have your things moved there soon. I’ll call you with the time of the wedding, and send my sister to take you to get a dress first thing in the morning.” He said, standing up and shaking my father’s hand. I turned and walked back out into the living room. “No goodbye kiss?” He asked, as he called the elevator. “Don’t push your luck..” I paused, I didn’t even know his name. “Nolan..” he said. “Nolan Black.” He finished, turning and stepping into the elevator. “See you soon, my bride.” He smirked as the doors closed in front of him, separating us, and allowing me to move on into my room. I closed my door and locked it, climbed into bed, and went straight to sleep. Tomorrow was sure to be a s*** show, especially since I had to spend it with his sister, wedding dress shopping.

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