Chapter Two: The In-Between-5

2013 Words

“Well I’ll allow you to do that as soon as we get back to the room!” she beamed. I gasped and managed to stammer out, “Thank you, Laura – sorry Mistress Laura!” I could see she was almost bursting to speak the next words, “All you have to do is get down and kiss my boots right now. Just one kiss on each boot is fine but get right down on your knees. Right here, right now in front of everyone here.” I felt the blood drain from my face, and an ice cold chill run up my spine. The incident in the Union was one thing. This was a big university and apart from a couple of the girls serving in the café, and the bloke I recognized from my hall, well I didn’t actually know any of the people in there. But this was where I lived. There were people here that I saw every day walking along the pathway

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