Chapter One: We Need to Talk-6

2022 Words

Just before dinner Christine weighed me, and started my chart. She made me strip naked in front of her to make sure I couldn’t cheat. She pointed and laughed at the spare tire of flab I was growing around my waist. “Goodness maggot, you look like a fat, middle aged workman. It’s disgusting! No wonder Laura doesn’t fancy you,” she told me. “You see! It’s really all your fault. I never want to hear you blaming me for this situation. It’s all down to you! What a loser!” I choked down my response. Given that Christine had been rather chubby when she’d first met Laura I found her remarks very hypocritical. But I was determined to lose at least three pounds that week. I’d show them! Actually, knocking off the booze would probably do it for me, but I would also begin a regular exercise program

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