
1198 Words
This is all made up; please don’t hold anything against me.     I was sitting in my office waiting for my appointment with the two new students and their guardian. When I suddenly smelt lavender out of nowhere, and I knew what this was, but Jerry was going nut in my head saying, ‘Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!’ It took yelling at him in my head to quiet him down and make him stop; thank the goddess that they haven’t made it to my door yet. I haven’t composed myself yet to handle seeing my mate for the first time. Oh goddess, I’ve waited 30 some odd years to meet my mate; I was starting to lose hope that I would never meet her. Once I got composed, I heard footsteps coming near my door, so I got up, and head to my door to open it up. When I heard a knock on the door, I opened it, and I saw a girl that is almost 18 years old, a boy that is about 16 years old, and the owner of the lavender scent. My red wavy haired, brown eyed, freckled angel. Her round lips look so good that I could just kiss them till I die. I am so happy right now that nothing could knock me down. I was almost done with my appointment with the kids, and then I had to have the appointment with the guardian that is what I was really looking forward too until something came and let some air out of my happy balloon. I find out that my mate is a witch; not only that but can tell who is a supernatural. I have to report this to the alpha and the play-boy soon-to-be-alpha. Once we get the rules established regarding the witches and werewolves; I dismiss the kids and continue going over things with their aunt. Once we were done talking about business she was about to get up and leave; I couldn’t have that just yet. I stand up and get in her way without thinking. “What are you doing?” She looks at me curiously. “I don’t know honestly, but what I do know is that I don’t want you to leave yet, Mate.” The word ‘mate’ just rolled off my tongue so naturally, and sweetly. She blushes and looks down at what I just said, and it looks so cute that I can’t help but put my hand on her cheek raising it up to look at me. She blushes a deeper brighter shade of red, and that makes me lean in towards her, and she narrows her eyes a little bit looking at my lips then back to my eyes. Our lips were about to touch when my speaker on my desk went off. I rolled my eyes in annoyed that thing ruined my moment with my mate that I’ve been waiting for; for a long long time. Before I head to the speaker, I tell her to stay put, and then head over to my desk not waiting for her to respond. I press the button and try not to sound annoyed that we were interrupted since we were just getting to the good part. “Yes, what can I do you for?” I look over at my mate to make sure that she is still there, and she is in a smiling daze looking at me. Goddess do I want to take her on to my desk right here and now and mark her right here and now, but I know that she deserves so much better than that; after raising her sister’s kids for so long, but also because she is such an amazing woman in that itself. “Sir, you have a guest here that has your lunch, and says that you forgot it on your way out again.” My eyes widen and look back at my mate, and her eyes are filled with betrayal as tears start to fill them. I grab her hand before she can leave the room and say, “It’s not what it sounds like, I promise. I waited for you! I never did a hook up!” I don’t let go of her hand, go back to my desk, and push the speaker button, “Send the guest in, please.” She looks up at me in shock probably think ‘what am I doing bring another girl in to meet her?’ She fights with me for a minute until we hear a knock at the door then I say, “Come in please, Dan” She looks up at me with shock again then looks towards the door to see a guy walk throw the door with a brown paper bag saying, “Jeez, Scott why didn’t you meet me up front like you usually do when you forget your lu….” He stops before he can finish his sentence noticing what is going on “Ummm, should I come back a different time?” I shake my head then say no, “No, my Mate has misunderstood something, so I need you to clear somethings up, little brother.” I emphasis the word ‘mate’ to make sure that my flirtations brother knows better than to even go near her. His eyes light up at what I just said and says, “Man, I’m so happy for you!” then it dawns on him about what the lady at the front said then speaks up, “Ummm, hi I’m his little brother. I’m technically his roommate that doesn’t pay, and he doesn’t bring any girls home or goes out at all for that matter. I also would shake your hand, but I would get growled at by him if I even went near you; I’m surprised that I’m this close to you and haven’t gotten my head bite off.” I hear her giggle a little bit then says, “Wow, I didn’t know that you would be that protective over little old me.” “You are not old in away way shape or form, my love.” I make in front of my mate, so her eyes are on my now then mind-link with Dan and saying, ‘Your job is done now, you can put the food on the chair and go now.’ He does what he is told and quietly shuts the door making sure not to disturb our moment again, but not before he mind-links me back saying, ‘Good luck big bro, and good job.’ This time as I inch closer to her she closes her eyes ready for the impact. Once are lip touch, I feel a spark that ignites the flame inside of me that has been dormant for so long, hoping she feels it too.   
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