Chapter 85

2784 Words

"What else do we know?" "Nothing much here, sir. We have no idea who attacked Miss. Sylvian but we are still looking on to it." Santo's right hand man said as he sat in the front and Santo was in the back of the car as he was now driving right, passed and right through Sylvian's office. There were a lot of people coming in and out of that place and there was a rush. Of course, it was afternoon time and so the rush made sense. Santo's eyes stayed right there by the entrance of the office. "Stop the car, right here." He said and his driver stood in the corner and right then, Santo quickly got out of his car with his men getting out as well. His right-hand man was standing right next to him as Santo stood there with his hands folded on his chest. "She isn't here today, is she?" Santo aske

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