#Chapter 50: Poison

1248 Words

"I still can't believe it," Dr. Madison says a while later. We're reviewing the report together again, obviously after we ordered the necessary treatment to counteract the poison Emmett had been given. It's not certain whether or not he'll pull through, but he has a fighting chance. Digitalis poisoning," Dr. Madison repeats in disbelief for the third time since we first saw the results, peering over my shoulder to scan the report in my hands again. "Foxglove? My god, did they pull that from an Agatha Christie novel? Did they actually expect to get away with this?" "I told you, I think he's getting desperate," I murmur, rapidly scanning the report again. "Best case, I think he was hoping that you'd assume that I screwed up – maybe even on purpose – and gave him too much of his digoxin pi

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