Chapter 9

1360 Words

TAMMY *7 years ago* As I dress up, I keep on checking myself out in the mirror and I'm impressed by my appearance. I'm convinced that I look stunning...more like a princess. Whoever bought the dress, shoes and accessories must surely have a great taste. “You look stunning love...” Robin startles me as he snakes his arms round my waist and settles on my stomach. His warm hands rub my belly smoothly and I'm tempted to tell him to let them stay there. His intoxicating cologne hits my nostrils and I can't help but inhale it. “All thanks to you love.” I reply. He lets go of me and walks to the closet to pick something. He comes out with a leather jacket which he throws over his shoulders. “Ready?” He asks smiling.” I nod as I pick my new clutch from the bed. I recheck myself once again

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