Chapter Six-1

2087 Words

Chapter Six“To war!” Alistair roared and we of the gallowglass cheered him lustily, for what was a warrior made for if it was not warfare? We left the castle of Ruthven just as the spring dawn eased over the Cairngorm Mountains and I looked around in surprise. I had thought it was winter, but the geese were heading north in great skeins, the frost was lessening its grip on the soil and the poor people were once again labouring in the infields around their black houses. What had happened to the time? I shrugged: it did not matter, for I was among friends and riding to adventure. What more could a man want? It was good to ride to war once more, to hear the boasts of my fellow warriors and the steady thump of their feet on the ground. It was good to hear the clatter of swords against chain

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