Chapter Four-1

2063 Words

Chapter FourDawn brought a penetrating rain that smothered the hills and bit deep into my bones as I bid farewell to the shaggy uruisg and their friendly cave. Seonaid gave Peallaidh a last fond hug and slipped on to her garron as I fed Bernard and eased him down the slippery track beside the burn. I looked behind me, recalling one of the most pleasant nights in my life, and when I lifted my hand in friendship, the uruisg clustered to catch my eye as they responded. The vision came out of nowhere so that one moment I was standing beside Peallaidh and the next I was reeling in a vast moor with great granite peaks behind me. There were people around, tall men in dark armour carrying long swords. They stood in a circle, facing something, or somebody that I could not see, but I knew it was d

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