
Stolen Luna

kickass heroine
magical world

Adam took the glass from Pearl's hand and took a tentative sip.

"Urgh," he growled, "this has been laced with poison."

Adam was dragged viciously out of the limousine.

"ADAM!" Pearl screamed.

Pearl's head began to go hazy. She felt like her body was on fire. A shooting shock of pain went through her chest.... it was Adam getting shot with a siver bullet coated in wolfs-bane. It seemed like everything was playing out in painful slow motion, like a tragic play in front of her..

"Look after our pup Luna.  I will love you forever," Adam linked.

"Ditto, until the day I die," Pearl promised.


Stolen Luna is a love story within a love story. True Alpha Adam and Luna Pearl who is descended from the first witch Gaia, idolise each other. Their Pack is The Eastern Ridge in Thetford Forest.

On the way home from Adam's heat

Adam is slain and Pearl is Stolen. Her mind is rewritten and she is hidden in a witch's coven. Amaryllis, Adam and Pearl's daughter, is born but she is completely unaware she is half werewolf until her 18th birthday.

Now it seems everyone wants her. She meets her mate Kieran who is Alpha of The Imperials,


There is a heavenly scent of spices and Raven suddenly stops. I thought it was to admire the clearing but what she says next leaves me gobsmacked.


There infront of us is a huge werewolf rolling around on his back in the grass. He has what looks like soft, white fur that shines in the moonlight.

When he turns his head and looks at us I can see amber eyes trying to bore deep into my soul.


her Dad's killers

and then of course there's Dante the Warlocks son.....

join Amaryllis on her journey of betrayal, revenge and love...

Free preview
"I can't believe we have to go back so soon, my love," 19 year old Alpha Adam Diablos smiled tenderly down at 18 year old Luna Pearl Diablos. They were in a Hotel in Dover. The room had red carpet and the bed was the largest you could possibly imagine. The windows were bay with deep red velvet curtains, tied back with black cords. The walls were pink and the paintings on them were black and white abstract. Rolling over in bed, he cupped her heart shaped face in his hands and kissed her softly on her lips whilst staring deep into her hazel eyes. "I know, my darling Adam. But we are one and this had to end sometime," Luna Pearl replied, slowly curling her fingers in his dark black hair as she gazed intently back into his ocean blue eyes. She had just experienced Adam's yearly heat for the past 5 days. As she turned her head to the side Luna Pearl bares her slim neck for him. He knew what she was asking for so Alpha Adam kissed down the side of her neck and grazed his teeth over where he had marked her. From where he had made them as one. She felt so much stronger as a witch now. Electricity ran through her, from her neck to her very core. Her soft, naked body shivered at his touch. She stroked her hands lightly over his firm torso and gently tugged on his dark curly chest hair making him let out an involuntary moan. "Come, my Big Alpha, let's go have a shower and get dressed," Pearl said. "We can't be late, it wouldn't look good, it's not everyday your sister has a baby. We need to be there." "Oh, I wish you would call me something else," Adam grumbled. "Why, would you prefer that I called you my Small Alpha," Pearl teased him, "because I can assure you that would be a lie," Pearl laughed, playfully. "Well I'm glad you find it so funny," Adam replied mischievously. Then sliding out of bed he strode round to the other side. Bending down he picked Pearl up and tossed her over his shoulder as if she were a rag doll her blonde hair whipping his back. "Let's go have that shower," he chuckled deep. The water fell hot over the pair of them as they steamed the shower up together. Their moans and orgasms could be heard throughout the hotel, but they did not care. "We're not going to get anywhere at this rate," Pearl smiled at Adam, water was running all over their bodies. "No, we're not," Adam answered as he smiled lovingly back at her. "Better get out the shower then," he carried on nibbling on her ear. Pearl jumped out. "Catch me if you can," she giggled. She grabbed a plush towel and ran out the bathroom, quickly shutting the door on him and went to run to the wardrobe. "Caught you," she felt the oh now so familiar strong arms wrap themselves round her. "You're not going anywhere now," he said with a low growl. "I had no intention My Alpha," she purred at him. "Just visiting the wardrobe to get dressed." "Well my darling Luna, what are you thinking of wearing?" "I'll let you know when I'm dressed!" squeeled Pearl. His towel slipped off and fell to the floor and she knew just what he was after. Werewolves have insatiable appetites for s*x and making love with their mate. It was absolutely divine. "Get dressed," she growled back, as she wanted to jump on him again. "Are you sure honey?" Adam came over rubbing himself up against her naked figure with pert breasts. Pearl lifted her head up and kissed him, letting their tongues join and dance. "I knew you couldn't resist me," he chuckled as he pushed her playfully away. "Oh, I will get you for that later!" Pearl gasped back as she now felt moist again and there wasn't time for another cleansing shower. "Promises, promises my darling," Adam laughed. "Now I'm getting dressed." --- "Surprise," Adam said grinning from ear to ear. "Oh my..... perfect," Pearl gasped in answer. She stood back and took in Adam in all his glory. Casual fit Calvin Klein jeans and a white shirt that was unbuttoned at the top showing his chest hairs. "Why aren't you dressed yet," he quizzed Pearl, a frown appeared on his face. There were clothes strewn all over the bed, but none of them were on Pearl. "Because I haven't decided what to wear. Look at them all, it's a special occasion and I wanted to look nice," Pearl said. "You are beautiful. You are their Luna, you shine for everybody no matter what you wear, but if you must have help wear this." Adam lifted up a pretty blue and white dress. "Let me go and have some breakfast, I've worked up quite an appetite and I wonder why that is," Adam laughed happily. "You might find it's more like lunch time now, I believe breakfast ended at 11.a.m.," Pearl pressed herself to him. "I told you that we should not have booked into an hotel run by humans. They have no idea who we are," Adam growled at the thought of their needs. "I'm going to give your sister a quick call to let her know that we are going to eat then we will be on our way," Pearl said. "Ok sweetheart, I'll go get a table and hopefully breakfast!" Adam replied with earnest. Adam left the bedroom and went to the lifts to go get some food. Pearl sighed, she really wished she could use her magic to change the menu to suit Adam, but that wasn't allowed.... not in the code of conduct if you like. What was the point of having magic if she couldn't play with it? She did her make-up, got dressed and blow dried her long blonde hair. Then she reached for her mobile and called Sarah, Adam's sister. "Luna Pearl! Oh, it's so good to hear from you," Sarah's excited voice came down the line. "Just Pearl please, no need for the Luna, we're family now remember," Pearl said softly to the girl on the end of the phone. "I hear congratulations are in order for your little boy." "Oh he's simply perfect Luna Pearl, I mean Pearl," Sarah said. "Stefan and I have named him Nial." "Well we can not wait to meet him. We will be leaving to come back as soon as we've eaten. If the roads are ok and we navigate through London with ease we should be back within 7/8 hours," Pearl informed her. "I'm so sorry for interrupting you both but I didn't expect him to make an appearance this early," Sarah said. You could almost hear her bouncing up and down. "As I told Adam earlier, this had to end at some stage. We have made lots of magical memories. There is no need to feel bad. We will see you soon. Now I must go and eat something." "Ok, bye," Sarah said. "Bye," Pearl ended the call. Sarah would talk for ages if she didn't get cut off. She sighed, shook her head and went in the direction of the lifts to find Adam. No matter what she said, she was going to find it really hard to leave. This was going to be the first time she had witnessed Adam in heat and they had decided on a getaway trip from the pack. Pearl had been surprised at how welcoming everybody at Eastern Ridge Pack was to her as Luna, considering she was a powerful witch by blood. Maybe they just wanted to please their Alpha by not disrespecting their Luna. She shrugged her shoulders as she carried on moving. As she entered the restaurant area of the hotel, she could see him twiddling his thumbs at the booth table in the corner. He looked considerably bored as she walked her way past other round tables with metal seats that didn't look at all comfy. The booth, however was like a tall round, red settee with a table in the middle. They had made it their own whilst staying always paying to ensure it was reserved. He looked up as she was coming over and he took in the sight of her in a short figure hugging blue dress with white flowers. Her legs went on forever it seemed. "What's the matter darling?" Pearl asked Adam. She slotted herself in next to him and his strong arms came round her waist, holding her tight to him. He inhaled a deep breath of her scent, held it in for a moment and then breathed out. "Nothing is wrong now you are here my love. You keep me calm but energised. I am having to wait for something to eat and I'm very, very hungry. These humans take ages to cook. Promise me next time we can go to a werewolf Inn." He blew down her back making her tingle all over. "I am nothing without you my darling either and I will follow you anywhere you go. My love knows no bounds for you as you know," Pearl reached up and stroked where she had marked him. She could feel his happiness straight away as his hand went to move up her leg under the table. "Enough," she cried, "food is here and I'm famished." ----- "Have you packed everything darling?" Pearl asked lying back on the bed. "Yes, no thanks to you, lounging around on the bed," Adam laughed at her, throwing a purple furry cushion at her. The room phone rang and after answering Adam said, "we had better go, our car is waiting for us downstairs." Adam bent down and helped Pearl stand. "I would carry you downstairs darling, but I believe that would cause too many looks. At least they couldn't smell my heat. It's all but gone, which is good as we're having to head back." "This was delightful my Big Alpha it truly was," Pearl said glowing back. With a last scan round their hotel room they both left, letting the porter bring their luggage down after them. The chauffeur waited to open the doors to their black limousine. Humans all around stopped what they were doing to see if it were anybody who they knew as famous. When they realised it wasn't they continued on with their own lives. "So my love, do you think we have a little pup beginning to grow?" Adam whispered into Pearl's ear, giving it a light bite afterwards. "I'm not sure darling Adam, I certainly hope so." "I am going to be a very proud and loving father. I will worship and fulfil your every need." Pearl moved over and sat in Adam's lap and gently kissed his lips. "Do you think the driver can hear us?" she asked Adam. "No my darling, he's human and they don't have super hearing." Up infront in the driver's seat, the chauffeur turned the corners of his mouth into a weird evil crooked style. "What are we going to name our pup then?" Pearl asked. "Well I have one request for if it's a girl." "Go on." "I have always found it a lovely but powerful name." "Spit it out," Pearl laughed waiting patiently. "Amaryllis. I have no preference if it's a boy." "That's a beautiful name Adam. I hope it is a girl so we can call her that." "Oh I'm so glad you like the name. It means a lot," Adam whispered into Pearl's ear. As she turned her face round he gazed into her eyes and lowered his lips down to meet her plump kissable lips and bit her bottom one that caused the immediate effect of her to gasp into his mouth. She felt the rise of his member through his jeans rubbing on her knickers leaving a moist patch behind where her body still ached for his. --- They were three hours into their journey when they took a turn off the M20 that wasn't expected. "Excuse me driver, but why have we turned off here? We should still be on the motorway," Adam questioned the driver. "Oh, my sat nav showed an accident up ahead and that I needed to take a detour," the driver replied with another crooked smile. "I didn't see any detour signs and this looks completely the wrong direction," Pearl piped up. "I can assure you we are taking the back roads," the driver stated again. "Something doesn't feel right Adam, I can feel it in my bones. Have you even had this driver before?" Pearl mindlinked Adam. "No, I have never seen this driver"Adam replied. "You will find some water with ice to drink ready in the drinks compartment," the driver suddenly spoke through a tanoy system. "Would you like some darling?" Adam offered. "Oh, that would be splendid if you would." Adam reached to the side, twisted a lock and pulled down a hidden compartment which was full of water and ice but no other drink. "Is water all that we have? Adam quizzed the driver as it wasn't usual. He was used to having a choice of a vast array of drinks and right now it was not water. "That was all I was given to fill up with this end Alpha. Many apologies. We could always make a stop?" the driver replied rather too nonchalantly. "Never mind,"he answered crossly to the driver. "we don't have the time to stop and besides we're in the middle of nowhere." "As you wish," the driver c**ked his crooked smile again to himself. Muttering under his breath at how useless the driver was, Adam poured Pearl a large glass of iced water with some added ice cubes and handed it to her. "Mmmm that is so good. Almost sweet," Pearl said after taking a gulp. "What is so sweet?" "This water.... have a taste." Adam took the glass from Pearl's hand and took a tentative sip. "Urgh," he growled, "this has been laced with poison." The driver slammed on his brakes and the limousine screeched to a grinding halt. Instantaneously the doors were ripped open by what must be rogue werewolves. Adam was dragged viciously out of the limousine. "ADAM!" Pearl screamed. Adam didn't have time to wonder what was happening.. four or five werewolves leapt on him with full force and talons out. Pearl's head began to go hazy. She felt like her body was on fire. A shooting shock of pain went through her chest.... it was Adam getting shot with a siver bullet coated in wolfs-bane. Pearl could see that he had tried to shift, but there were just too many of them and the bullet with wolfs-bane prevented it. It seemed like everything was playing out in painful slow motion, like a tragic play in front of her.. "Look after our pup Luna. I will love you forever," Adam linked. "Ditto, until the day I die," Pearl promised. Silent tears started falling down Pearl's face. Thick, red blood poured out of Adam's chest as she watched the rogues viciously slam his body to the hard ground and beat him until his eyes finally closed for the last time. "Nnooo!" Pearl screamed again, then there was a pain on the back of her head as she was hit with something hard and cold. Darkness took over and she fell into a deep sleep. ---- Some 12 weeks later..... ---- Pearl opened her eyes up and looked around. She appeared to be in a hospital bed hooked up to a machine with a drip going into her arm. In a grey leather seat next to her was a man who she didn't recognise holding onto one of her hands. He had ginger hair with blue eyes and was of slim build. He looked like he is asleep but Pearl quickly took her hand back. That movement made the man open his eyes up and look at her. "Oh, my! you're awake! We've all been so worried." "Who are you? Where am I? What's going on?" Pearl asked. "What do you mean? I'm your husband Damion. You're in the hospital because you blacked out at home," said the stranger beside her. "I don't know anything. My memory is completely blank. I have no idea of who I am," Pearl started to sob uncontrollably. "I can't even remember my name," she carried on. Damion smiled at her. "I was warned about that. Your name is Ivy Redwood. You are my beloved wife. You live with me in the witches coven, The Crescent Moon Circle and when you're healthy you teach at the witch school." "Why don't I remember?" "In time you will, I'm sure. But if you don't it will be like we're starting afresh." "What do you mean by I blacked out as well?" "Well you're pregnant and you've been doing it a fair bit." "I'M WHAT?" screamed Pearl. "Pregnant." "So, me and you, we actually..." she didn't even want to think about it. "Well how else, silly. I think you should relax some more because it should all be over soon, the last leg as it were." "I'd like to relax at home, wherever that is," Pearl said. "No Ivy, you need to stay on the drip for the meantime. I will visit every day, I promise," Damion firmly replied. Pearl sighed to herself. It didn't feel like she was going to win this fight and maybe he was right. As she couldn't remember anything and he said that she blacked out, she would be putting the baby at risk by not staying put. ---- 6 Weeks Later ---- "How are you doing sugar?" Damion leaned down and gave Pearl a kiss on her forehead. "Going stir crazy still. It's no fun spending all these weeks in the hospital. I wish to get out and come home. Maybe then my memory will come back to me," Pearl sadly replied. "Well we have to be prepared that it may take a long while, but I'll be right here next to you every step of the way. You trust me right?" "Yes, I do." Not that she felt like she had any other choice. "Well I've brought a treat in tonight for us both." "Oh tell me, tell me," Pearl got really excited. Anything different would be amazing. "I've brought a film in for us to watch," Damion smiled. He wheeled in a TV with a dvd slot at the side and pressed play. Moving back round next to the bed, he sat down in the seat he had got so used to sitting in. Pearl looked at him and said, "come up here with me Damion." "Are you sure I won't squash you in the bed, it's not very big," he replied, secretly smiling to himself. "No, I would like it." Pearl thought that possibly if she got a tad closer to him physically that she might feel something else. She sighed when she realised she didn't. "What was that sigh for?" "Oh, nothing, just relaxed." "Good good." Maybe... soon... and she fell asleep. ---- 2 Weeks Later ---- "Are you absolutely certain that this spell will work?" Damion questions Galahad. "DO NOT doubt me! My spell will take hold. You will have a wife who adores you. There is a lot to block out first. She just witnessed her Alpha husband slain infront of her. She is a powerful witch and somehow was made Luna giving her even more strength. Give it time. The drip should have helped," Galahad replied angrily. "I hoped as much, but she hasn't been showing me any affection at all," Damion retorted. "The Coven has to believe we are in love." "Just make sure you only call her Ivy. If you mentioned her real name, it could go disastrously wrong." "How do you mean?" "That is the one thing that could possibly break the spell. The truth." Galahad smirked evily. "Sounds like one feeble spell," Damion mumbled to himself. "Just ensure you have tidied your house, given it a woman's touch and got the baby's room ready," Galahad said. "The child must never know what it is as there will be catastrophic consequences for all involved," he followed on. ---- 10 Weeks Later ---- "Aarrghh, aarrrrgghhh aarrrrgggghhhh!" Pearl screamed. "That's it! Push!" Damion replied. "What did I do for aarrgghhhh," she screamed again. They were in the hospital birthing suite. It had been 3 long painful hours. Epidurals and the like were not being used. Pearl had opted for a pain relief free and had sorely regretted her decision. "One more push Ivy, the head is out," the midwife said. "Arrggghh" "That's it sugar, you've done it!" Damion jumped up. "Mind out the way, I need to cut the cord," the midwife shooed Damion out of the way. "You have a beautiful baby girl!" she followed on, as she cooed at the baby. Cries from the new born filled the room, letting the world know a new life had begun. The midwife wrapped the baby up in a soft pink blanket and passed her to Pearl. "There you go, meet your mama." Pearl took the crying bundle into her arms and started to weep too. "I'm so overwhelmed," was all she gave by explanation. Soon both Mother and baby stop sobbing and Damion said," We have to give her a name." "Yes. We will call her Amaryllis." "Amaryllis," Damion thought. "Yes, I like that, I've never heard of it before." "It just came into my head. Just like that. Amaryllis." "Let's go home Ivy."

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