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CHAPTER TENAt first there was nothing to alarm Rona. When she asked Alexei why he wasn't taking her straight back to the Thierres' house he replied, "That man who kidnapped you – " "My father – " "Yes, your father. He may return there and try to seize you again. It's better if I take you to my home and send them a message." It made sense. She preferred to be in a place that her father did not know about. She knew that Alexei and Emilia lived in a large, expensive hotel, but instead of heading there he took her into streets she had never heard of. "Where are we going?" she asked. "To a place where you will be safe," he replied. The house, when they reached it, was small and shabby. Rona was puzzled, but not yet worried. "You can rest here," Alexei said, leading her inside, "while I

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