Chapter 2

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AVERY Sitting in this bar waiting for everyone to arrive is making me nervous. My hands fidget in my lap whenever I’m not taking a sip of my mojito. I am super glad when Adrian asks me about the salon, at least that is something I know how to talk about. I can’t say I’m paying much attention when two men approach our table and greet everyone as I am sending a text to Isabelle to check up on her. I place my phone back on the table and look up at the man now sitting in front of me. Hot damn. He has to be the most attractive man I have ever seen in my entire life. His chocolate brown eyes meet mine and a friendly smile forms on his face, showing off his pearly whites. It is like sunshine on a rainy day. He extends his hand over the table towards me and I just stare at it like a stunned mullet. “Hi, I’m Daniel. It’s nice to meet you.” He says in the most delicious voice ever. It is like music to my tired ears. I don’t know how long I sit there staring for when Amber elbows me in the ribs, snapping me out of my trance. I lean across the table and place my hand in his large hand as his warmth spreads up my arm. “Avery.” That is all I manage to croak out. Embarrassed, I rip my hand out of his hold and immediately grab my drink to take a large gulp. I haven’t felt anything like that since I met my ex-fiancé Mason. I don’t want to think about him right now, that’s a story for another time. The man sitting next to Daniel sticks his hand across the table this time and my eyes snap in his direction. He nervously laughs while I place my hand in his. “Ah, there is two of them. I’m Alec, Adrian’s brother.” He says politely. “Avery, Amber’s twin sister.” I point out the obvious and inwardly groan at how stupid that must have sounded. “Does anyone want a drink? My shout.” Alec announces to the table. Everyone gives him their order and he leaves the table. “Be right back.” Amber whispers in my ear and disappears. I look over my shoulder and see her following Alec to the bar. Adrian calls a waiter over and orders a few platters of sashimi and sushi for everyone to share. The service is super quick and ten minutes later, the waiter is placing the platters on the table while Alec and Amber hand out the drinks. We all dig in with our chopsticks and Amber moans in the seat beside me. “Mmmm this is delicious.” Amber mumbles with her mouth full. I struggle with my chopsticks and feel Daniel watching me. I quickly peek up at him with a grimace on my face while he smiles warmly at me. “Would you like me to teach you the correct way to hold chopsticks?” He asks while I nod. He smiles at me, places his own chopsticks down on the table and reaches both hands out towards me. My stomach flips knowing he is about to touch me again. I raise my now shaking left hand in the air and his hands wrap around mine and reposition the chopsticks. I watch his handsome face while he concentrates, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth. He notices me watching him and he smirks at me. “There you go.” “Thank you.” I say and attempt to pick up a piece of sushi. I slowly bring it towards my mouth, desperately trying not to drop it. I pop it into my mouth and Daniel beams at me. The rest of the meal is quiet as everyone stuffs their faces. Afterwards, Adrian goes to order another round of drinks for everyone. He hands them all out when he returns. Isabelle finally arrives and walks around the table to greet everyone. When she meets Alec for the first time, I watch as he quite obviously checks her out and I hear Amber huff in the seat next to me. Does he seriously not know about Isabelle and Carter’s history? I lean over towards Amber. “You owe me fifty bucks.” I whisper to her and she groans loudly at me before pulling out the fifty and slapping it on the table between us. Isabelle sits in her stool while Alec starts telling embarrassing stories. “Hey Adrian, remember that time when we were kids and I was jumping on your bed. You threw a cricket ball at me and I dodged it like I was in the Matrix and it hit the window and smashed.” Alec laughs as he recalls the memory. “Yup.” Adrian replies and rolls his eyes while Scarlett laughs. “What about the time you were leaning against the window and the screen fell off and you fell out the window?” Amber and I giggle along with Scarlett at this story. “Dude, I was like six years old! How was I supposed to know that was going to happen?” Adrian whines. “Tell us another story.” Scarlett says with a cheesy smile and her chin resting on her palm. “Ohh, there was that time we went to Wattamolla beach and we were laying in the blow up boat floating along the lagoon. Get this.” He says as he leans towards Amber and I. “We were wrestling and he fell into the water and started screaming like a girl because he thought something grabbed his foot!” He cackles with laughter and the rest of us laugh along with him. Isabelle leaves a few short hours later and Carter follows her out like a lost puppy. “Do you want to get out of here?” Alec asks and I look over at him to see him staring at Amber. “Ah, yeah sure.” She turns to me. “Will you be alright to get home by yourself?” Amber asks me quietly. “Mhmm.” I reply with a nod. “I can take you home.” Daniel announces and my eyes snap to meet his. He smiles at me again and my stomach flutters. “No, it’s fine I’ll just book an Uber.” I explain to him, my palms getting sweaty just thinking about being in an enclosed vehicle with him. “What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you go home alone?” He smirks. “Please, I insist.” Amber nudges me. “Um, okay.” We all make our way to the exit of the bar and say our goodbyes. I walk with Daniel to his car and he has his hand resting on my lower back, the warmth from his hand seeping into my body again. He unlocks a pearl white Porsche Macan and holds the door open for me. I smile at him politely and climb into the car. “Where to?” He asks when he sits in the driver’s seat. I give him my address, which he programs into the GPS after he starts the engine and I could swear my insides purr in delight. The drive is in silence with light background music playing. As we pull up in front of the salon, he looks confused. “You can drive down the alleyway and park out the back. My apartment is above the salon.” I explain to him. Once he parks the car, we both exit and he follows behind me towards the stairs. “Amber and I own this salon.” I say as we walk past the back door. “How long have you owned it for?” He asks. “Only two years. We finished our apprenticeships then bought the salon.” I say as he now follows me up the stairs. “Congratulations! It must be great living so close to work.” He chuckles lightly. I laugh and as I reach the top of the stairs, I turn around to look at him. I am stunned into silence when I realise he is right behind me, our gazes locked onto each other’s. He stands on the step below me, making us at eye level. I am so close to him that I can feel his warm breath fanning on my face. My brain tells me to step away from him while my heart tells me to wrap my arms around him and never let him go. I avert my eyes, nervously. “Sorry.” I whisper. Daniel reaches his hand up and pushes my hair behind my ear. His fingertips trail down my cheek then all the way down my bare arm until our fingers brush each other’s. Goosebumps skitter across my skin to chase his touch. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He whispers back. I clear my throat. “Um, did you want to come in for a drink?” “I’d love that.” He smiles at me and I take a moment to soak in this moment in its entirety before I turn around to unlock the door, fully aware of his presence right behind me. I miss the key hole a few times and finally open the door and turn on some lights. “Come in. Sorry it’s not much.” I say as I watch him take in the tiny lounge room with its white walls, a small two-seater black leather lounge, fifty-inch television hanging on the wall and our small galley kitchen with white cabinets with a black stone bench top with two white stools placed underneath. The pale grey floorboards tap underneath my heels as I move towards the kitchen. “It’s perfect.” He praises. I blush at his comment. “What would you like to drink? Coffee, tea, soft drink, water?” “A black tea with milk would be nice, thank you.” He says as he takes a seat on one of the stools. I boil the kettle, grab two mugs, throw in the tea bags and take the milk out of the fridge to pour into the mugs, feeling his gaze fixed on me the entire time. I pour the boiling water into the mugs and place one on the counter in front of Daniel. “Here you go.” I say softly. “Thank you.” He replies while reaching for the mug, our fingers touching again. Our gazes meet instantly and I immediately look away, feeling a hot flush creeping up my neck. I can’t explain how I am feeling right now. I don’t think I ever felt like this about my ex Mason. Ever. I need time to think, I need time to process. We make small talk while drinking our tea as I stand across from him on the other side of the island bench. There is no way in hell I can sit on the stool beside him. Keep your distance. Good thinking Avery! Amber’s beige and black Maine Coon cat suddenly jumps up on the island bench and lets out a massive meow. His amber eyes watching me as he saunters over to me and rubs his butt on my arm. “You have a cat?” Daniel asks, even though the answer is literally right in front of him. “This is Amber’s cat Mocha. Are you hungry?” I say to Mocha while patting his head. “I, uh …” He stutters over his words. “I’m actually allergic to cats.” My eyes widen in shock. “Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” I say at the same time as he lets out a giant sneeze. “I think I’m going to go.” SNEEZE! “That’s okay, I understand.” We walk to the door and he stands at the top of the stairs. “Thank you for the tea.” He sneezes again. “I had a great time tonight. I’d love to take you out for coffee sometime.” I should say no. I need to figure out what this is before I agree to spend more time with him. My mouth has a different idea than my brain though. “Sure, does next Sunday work for you?” You traitor! “It’s a date.” He winks at me then bends down to kiss me on the cheek. “Good night Avery.” He mutters in my ear. Stunned, I watch him away walk down the stairs while my fingers touch the tingling spot on my face where his lips just were. Dammit, I am totally f****d.
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