Mysterious fog

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(Eight years later)in the feast hall in the Roman empire ceasar stands up and starts to announce today is a very important day I am promoting three soldiers today Alexander please stand up.he asked as I stood up as I motioned for my sister who was one of my best soldiers and my second in command joan to stand up we've been in the military since we were kids I was eight I trained until I was twelve my sister started three years after I did me and joan are a year sister Amelia is sixteen I'm nineteen and Amelia eighteen. Alexander I promote you to commander the rest is up to you commander ceasar explained.i yelled out as I raised my wine to glory of the Roman we were eating I over heard ceasar talking about butterfly island and how he was sending us to fight the arabs there for the territory he didnt say why but I had my doubts the new Arab king bonja was ruthless as he was evil all he wanted was power and women pilate my uncle who served with my father kain trained me since I was eight he walked up and told me and joan and my sister to get up let's go we followed him to the armory. Alexander be careful tomorrow you know the legand of butterfly island it's been said all who enter will die.he explained very carefully.uncle I'm sure we can handle some little Arabians and some island Amelia Amelia I answered we dont know what's out there ceasar has lost his last commander and fleet there trying to find something I'm not yet sure what I explained.the ultimate warriors armour and sword pilate whispered joan giggles why are you laughing pilate asked because that's a myth the warrior doesn't exist he never did irritated I interupted joan look my father killed that myth warrior when I was a young boy he died trying to stop the warrior from destroying the four nations at war that's why we are at peace but who ever finds that armour I pray that they have a pure heart I argued.joan frowned and walked away alex let's go well see her in the morning.amelia and I walked home were mother was waiting.pilate i havent seen you in quite some years how are you my brother mother asked darling sister I am pleasant I have retired as a soldier and have been training your son for so long I forgot to visit I'm sorry pilate replied.well I've got to get going it's getting late maybe we can catch up another time pilate dismissed himself and left. The next day me and Amelia and Joan rode into the south gate with eight thousand soldiers to March against Arabia though I wasnt scared i was just in deep thought about butterfly island.once we had all made our position to the south gate I turned to Joan you are my second in command if this goes south on us take of my sister understood I asked Joan my best friend had Brown hair green eyes she always seemed to be happy to an extent she finally frowns and slaps me dont talk like that commander Alex but yes I will if it the time comes she replied.All March I yelled the command to move all soldiers rode off to war. (Meanwhile on butterfly island)move into the forest kill all who stand in your way well rule this island bonja commanded next thing you know all the Arabians heard a loud voice BEWARE DEATH AWAITS YOU LEAVE NOW!then a mysterious fog covered the whole island.bonja we cant see nothing my king what do we do a soldier asked search the place I want that voice dead find the man bonja yelled arrow came out of the fog so fast and pierce bonja in the heart he fell surprised then a second later he was dead the men attacked at every direction but arrows were killing them all one by one it was a slaughter a suicide mission when all the men were dead the loud voice screamed out VICTORY TO THE GOLDEN EAGLES LET NO MAN ENTER UNLESS HE DIE.
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