Story 4: Releasing Chloe’s Passion-1

2039 Words

STORY 4: RELEASING CHLOE’S PASSIONIT HAD BEEN A BUSY day at work. And Chloe was horny as hell. There was something about the hustle of a chaotic day at the law firm that sent her libido soaring. Instead of being exhausted, she’d leave the office ready for loving. Today was no exception. Her plan was to slip into her closet then drape her body with something scandalously hot. If her timing worked out, Rob would come home to find her in the bedroom, splayed across the mattress, ready for a good f**k. Today she was in the mood for black lace. She spent nearly an hour in the mirror, tugging her negligee into place, brushing her jet black hair over her shoulder and decorating her full lips with a striking shade of red. Chloe liked what she saw, but a nagging question echoed through her head:

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