1818 Words

  ”WHERE THE f**k HAVE YOU BEEN?” James roared as he slammed his fists down on his desk. His eyes were glowing and Blade had surfaced, just as pissed as his human.   ~Avery~   Fredric, Alex, and Raven were there too and I could see the same amount of worry and anger in Alex's eyes.   Raven, however, seemed madder at Amber so I was glad that she too got some of the heat.   I winced and stepped forward.   ”We went to see Natasha,” I looked back and saw Natasha standing there looking as cool as ever, not bothered a single bit by the tension that was growing. I groaned and looked back at my mate.   ”There is a war happening any day now and you decide to leave the pack without a single word? How stupid are you, Avery?” Alex spat his words and his hands were shaking, I could tell he was ju

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