1927 Words

  ~Malia~   James, Alex, Lydia, and I were sitting in the common area. Nobody else was there and we weren't doing anything particular. In fact, everyone sat in silence. The air around us was heavy, thick, and tense. I wanted to speak up but I knew that James was pissed about the events that occurred out in the woods. Both with the rogues but also my impromptu shifting and almost killing his mate.   I waited. I sat there, completely still in my spot. The air grew thicker and I knew it was only a matter of time before I opened my mouth. I wanted him to go first. I didn't want to disrespect him.?   ”You can speak, you know,” my rampage of thoughts broke as James spoke. I shifted my gaze, looking at everyone else.?   I let out a heavy sigh and straightened my back.?   ”I’m sorry, alpha,”

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