
The Powerful King of the Elves

kickass heroine
enimies to lovers
first love

In the Magical Kingdom of Granadia lies the kingdom of the High Elves. The most ancient and powerful Elven race in the kingdom. The fancy castle in the middle of the kingdom looks magical and majestic. These are the ruler of all Elven races. The wood elves have a long time ago forsaken the Elven kingdom and denounced their king. They are fay folk and live close to nature. They have their kingdom as the arrogance of the High Elves made them sick. They are not at war, but they do not mix. Their kingdom is called Florentina. King Arlolon rules the High Elves. Queen Aerin rules over the wooden elves. They never have contact with the arrogant High Elves.

Until today, today they have to meet as a common threat is threatening both their Kingdoms. King Arlolon waits patiently for Queen Aerin to arrive. It will be the first time they meet. Arlolon's and Aerin's parents died in the battle of Normadia, fighting together. Arlolon is not looking forward to seeing the barbaric wood elven Queen. The high elf looks down on the wood elves and will never mix with them unless it is an emergency like now. Dressed in green tides with steel armour and a cape made out of wolf skin, the hooded figure of the wood elf appears in the clearing. Arlolon, dressed in his pure white tides and golden armour, looks at the figure in disgust. He can not see her face as the hood of her cape covers her face. She walks closer with a smile on her face, so the arrogant king came himself. He even has a golden crown on his head. She lifts her hood, and her crown of wood, leaves, and flower shows who she is, but Arlolon is not staring at the crown. He is staring at the most beautiful face he has ever seen. Aerin is indeed a beautiful creature with her long white hair and eyes as blue as the skies. Aerin stares back at the blue eyes of Arlolon. His dark hair is shoulder length, and his body is strong and proud. They stare at each other, and a forbidden love is born.

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Third person's POV. "We can no longer accept this way of living! We are born to live near nature, and we will walk out and denounce you as our king! We are not arrogant as you, High Elves. We are Wood Elves. We are going to move to the vacant Kingdom called Florentina," The Wood Elf speaking for all his people, announce at the annual meeting of the Elves of the Granadia. The elves are divided into races, and the High elves are seen as the rulers of all elves. There are three races: the High Elves, the Dark Elves and the Wood Elves. The Dark elves are elves whose spirits died, but as they are immortal, their bodies live on, and they have long been banished from Granadia as they became evil and restless, but they still see the High elves as their rulers and attend the annual meeting. Aldon takes the hand of his queen Tara as he looks down on the Wood Elf that has spoken. "Arod, do as you please. We don't need common folk like you. We are rich and powerful," Aldon says. Tara smiles down on the Wood elf and his wife. She takes her three-year-old son's hand in hers. Arlolon looks up at his mommy and down at the Wood-elves. He is arrogant like his father. "We will, and we are leaving first thing as the sunrises," Arod says, looking at his pregnant wife, Ronda. He had enough of this arrogance. The Dark Elves looks bored. They are just here to see if they are needed for a war or something. The Wood Elves follows their new king the following day to Florentina, their new claimed kingdom, where they can lead the lives they want to. A few years later, Arod, Ronda, Aldon and Tara meet again. This time to fight side by side in the Battle of Normadia named after the elven city, the battle is about to occur. They agreed to work together this one time to save the elven races from the orcs and the golems. During the battle, the four of them fight side by side and dies next to each other on the battlefield, not seeing the victory they so desperately wanted that they were willing to put their differences aside to achieve it. The orcs and golems were defeated and fled. Airen has heard this story many times. She was seventeen when she became Queen, the only child of Arod and Ronda. She sighs, thinking of the stories. Today she must meet with the king of the High Elves, Arlolon. He was twenty when the battle took place, and everyone says it is he who won the battle for the elven races that day. The Dark Elves also help to fight, but they left after the war. They still attend the annual elven meetings with the High Elves, but they never come in touch with the Wood Elves as the Wood Elves remained in their kingdom, ruling themselves. Arlolon's POV "Are you sure we can not beat the orcs and the golem without the help of those useless Wood Elves? They denounce us and see us as arrogant. They do not realise that Elves are better than any creature on this planet. They live life animals in the woods!" I ask my elders. "They are some of the best warriors and good with the bow," The head of his war council says. "We have the Dark elves that will help. They like war and are not afraid to die," I try one more time. "I know your Highness, but the Wood Elves are stealthy and even when we go into their kingdom. We always get surprised by them, and it is hard to fight them. How many times have we, with the help of the Dark Elves, tried to get them back under our control?  We had to come back in defeat as we can not fight the way they do," My commander of the armies says. "I know you don't have to remind me of our humiliations. That Queen of theirs is a pain in the behind," I say. Aerin is her name. She is the daughter of the Wood elf and his wife, who walked out on us the first time. My mother taught me since I was a child that I am much better than any Wood elf. I know she was arrogant like my father. Some might say I am vain, but the truth is I am proud to be an Elf and want to protect all Elves. But Airen, the Queen of Wood Elves, will not even talk to us. She ignores and even embarrasses the messengers I send her Kingdom. She only agreed to meet me went the orcs and golems showed up again on the borders of the Elven Kingdoms. I sigh. It looks like I will have to go and see her. I get on my horse and ride to the clearance where our parents met long ago to save the elven races. I am annoyed as I wait for her to arrive. I am dressed in my king's attire as I wanted to show her who is the better race among the elves. My race, the High Elves, are rich and powerful. We have gold mines, and my armour and crown are made out of gold. It is too heavy to fight in, but when I go out to meet someone or in public for my duty at King, I wear the golden armour. I have no queen yet as I still have to find a woman that does not irritate me and is willing to fight by my side. The women in my kingdom are all ladies and does not fight like my mother used to. Some of the older women in my kingdom call them lazy and afraid. I agree. They have become lazy as they do not see the need to fight. We have been living in peace for a long time, and they became ladies that's only used is to have babies and hang on the arm of their husbands. I see her when she jumps out of a tree. I was shouting the area the whole time, hoping to see her before she enters the clearing. She is wearing green tights and a mantel with a hood made out of wolf fur. I look at her in disgust. I can not see her face as the ugly fur hood covers it. All I see is the smirk on her lips. I keep my temper intact as she dears to smirk at me. Who does she think she is to laugh at me! She walks closer and takes the hood off. I look at the crown on her head made out of wooden branches, leaves and flowers. It is my turn to smirk. My eyes move down to her face, and my smirk freeze on my face. In front of me stands the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. Her eyes are as blue as the skies, and her long white hair shines like diamonds in the sunlight. I have no words as I can only stare at her beauty. How can this be? She is perfect, but she is only a Wood Elf. I'm not too fond of the Wood Elves, and I can never fall in love with someone like her. I have to pull myself together. She was staring at me. I see her fighting with herself, and she looks away. "Golden Armor, how fancy. They must be very heavy. No wonder you High Elves can not fight," I hear Airen mocks me. "I only wear it when I am on official business, but what would you know about class and prestige. Look at you wearing clothes made out of animal fur,"  I say, angry at myself for trying to explain myself and my armour to a mere Wood Elf. "I live close to nature, and I can fight! I am not one of your ladies in your court that does not even know how to hold a bow. Never mind shoot one. You High Elves have become a bunch of fancy human-like creatures and have forgotten what we are and why we are here. We were created to protect nature and our lands. You only have men that fight. Your women are ornaments that hang on the arms of the men. You have become even more arrogant and dressed in white silk and gold to show off your riches. You are no longer elves! You should go live with the humans and become like them in their realm and their kingdoms," She says, looking at me in disgust. I am furious how dare she speak to me in such a manner. Not even my commanders will talk to me in this way. "You are nothing but a barbaric, smelly wild animal! Look at you! You have no pride. You walk around in tights like a man. Should a woman not wear a dress?" I talk down to her. "I am a woman, but I am a warrior first. That is what your women use to be. I even had some respect for your mother. Although she was a snob and arrogant like you, she could handle a bow as good as any man could," She says, looking me in the eye. Her blue eyes are throwing ice daggers at me, and I can not help but think she is even more beautiful when angry. What the hell? I need to stop thinking about her that way! "Don't mention my mother! She is a lady and not a wood creature like you," I say, angry. I am mad at her and also because I know she is talking the truth. The women of my race have become soft and do not fight. We have turned into those human creatures. We have gone soft. "The truth hurts, I see," She says. She smirks, and she walks to the middle of the clearing. I feel overdressed, and I feel like I am not manly enough for her. She must think I am as weak as the women in my race. The men in my race are still strong horsemen and are good with the bow. Our women use to be like that, but they have seen too much of the human race and have turned into replicas of the human women in the Royal human families over the years. We have started trading and mixing with humans over the years. Something the Wood Elves refused to do, and they even refused human to pass throw their kingdom. They do not trust humans as our forefather did. "You have no right to talk to me like this. We are here to talk about the orc and golem problem, not my race," I say. "Your race has gone weak because you mix with humans! I think we are done talking. My people and I will fight on our own. We don't need weak showoffs like you in a war!" She shouts at me. I need to calm down. I need their help as they know how to fight in the woods. I need her to help me train the women of my race to fight again! I walk to where she is standing, and she smells amazing. I know I called her smelly and a wood creature, but she smells of fresh flowers. She does not have the fake perfumes the High Elf women uses these days. She reminds me of how my mother used to smell. "I am sorry. We started on the wrong foot. You are right. We have gone soft on our women, and maybe we need to break our bonds with the human race again," I say softly to calm her down. She looks at me suspiciously. "What do you want for me?" She asks straight. "I need your help to teach our women to be elves again," I say, and she starts laughing. Her laugh sounds like little bells in my ears. Why is she so perfect? My court will never accept a Wood Elf as their Queen. What?! Why the hell was I thinking of her as my queen? I need her bloody help, not her heart or her love and respect. Why am I then trying so hard to get her to help me when I know I can most probably do it on my own?

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