Chapter 40: Sibling's Fair Rivalry in Love

1058 Words

Rosette was strolling inside a local bookstore looking for a particular book that she wanted to buy. She has been on the watch for the release of this book and finally the day has come. Her face lit up when she found it. She immediately went her way to the counter to pay when someone tapped her back. “Setty?” “Kevin? Kevin!” Rosette recognized the man right away. It’s none other than his brother’s high school best friend. “I knew it. It was really you.” The man told her after they hugged. “Ohhh, is it just me or you’re way buffer now? I miss those skin and bones image of yours. Why change it?” It wasn’t really a tease but a real curiosity yet the man took it the opposite, otherwise. “You and your brother really are two peas in a pod, huh? Can’t believe I’m meeting both of you at the

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