Chapter 14

1241 Words

It was the same school.  Same walls. Same lessons. Same people. Yet somehow, it was a completely different place. Nobody ran to meet her at the gate. No friends flocked to her side to hang on her every word. In the corridor the less popular kids did not move to give access to her locker.   “Excuse me,” Alissa asked the couple congregating in her way. She didn’t even say it with a condescending tone, but the couple still looked at her like she was a turd they’d stepped in. She tried to ignore it; to pass it off as a coincidence.   Rick Johnson and his gang of idiots walked by the lockers behind her back. He had never been a problem for Alissa before. He and his gang had always respectfully kept their distance from Alissa and her friends. Today, she heard him spit in her direction of he

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