Chapter 2

1391 Words
Estina's POV I walk with great pride to the stage, amidst the cheers of a few and murmurs of the rest, the jealous winks of girls. None of these negative reactions get to affect me because what has happened to me is much more than I can ever think of. He takes my hand and faces the audience, looking straight into my eyes, he begins his speech. "What do you have that qualifies you to be my mate?" "Huh?" "You heard me right?" His tone gets more firm. I stare at him with a confused face, a blank mind which can't think of the next thing to do as defense here. "Will you reply to me and stop acting like a fool?" "What?" A heavy slap swipes across my cheeks as I attempt to ask what he meant. The girls, led by their queen bee, my chief bully, Aveira, who had been winking at me with jealousy now push themselves to the front where they boo harder, so I can hear them saying. The rest of my coursemates feel sorry for me from a distance, they are afraid to speak out in my defense because it involves the Alpha and his girlfriend, a good number but not as much as those who are glad I've been disgraced. "Can you look at yourself in the mirror everyday? I think you don't have one in your house?" As Lucian mocks at me, I hear a loud laughter, I look and it's from no one other than Aveira. I bit my lower lips tight, gnashing my teeth in fury. "Why did you say so?" I protest, tears fighting high in his eyelids, his eyes are now crowdy and bloodshot. Anger shoots tight across his face. "You wretched daughter of a b***h daring to grab my attention, do you think I'll ever choose an Omega like you over my strong and pretty girlfriend over there?" My eyes trail towards the direction his fist are pointing at, there Aveira turns around, dancing. A smirk escapes my lips, I wonder what she thinks she is doing. I Aveira's cliche giggle in excitement, cheering her, then Lucian's heated up face returns its focus on me, I flinch my face to avoid his furious glare. "I'm sorry!" I mutter in a very low tone, folding my arms and glancing at the floor with sorrows. Why is it that no man cares to look my way? All those stories of a billionaire falling for an ordinary, but beautiful girl, why can't they happen to me? "Hmmm," I sigh, obviously frustrated and downcasted, the hormones which had skyrocketed to bliss, descends drastically. "I, Lucian Grey, of the New York Freedom Pack declare you unfit to spend the rest of your life beside me, prior to this, I reject you, Estina Nicole as my mate and warn you never to intentionally come an inch close to me. Guess what will happen if you disobey?" He leans and hisses. "You know what can happen, nothing to doubt." A heavy burden picks up on top of my head as Lucian's wolf has rejected me. It is quite evident and has been occurring in several cases. When you crush on someone like in the physical sense and you both are fated mates, then he rejects you while you don't, he releases that part of his negative energy which bothered him on you and you are now left to go with the problems of two persons, yourself and him. I'm too confused and reluctant to accept his rejection because I really dreamt of being with him as my crush even before I discovered he was my mate. "I don't have time for f*****g idiots like you, perhaps you can go find a guy who is in your class." He puts on his tinted sunglasses, walks down to the crowd, picking a girl from among the audience down, one of my mockers. Without even looking at me, he walks off, making the mockery even louder and worse, some of them start to throw empty bottles on me, the rest scream hard, booing me off the podium. "What were you thinking before, when he called up?" Aveira taunts me, approaching me with a sinister glare. "Do you think a girl like you would ever fit into Lucian's eyes, especially when I'm there?" She shrugs her shoulders with a smirkful grin on her lips. "I'm sorry, that can't happen!" She snarls all of a sudden, making me shift back in shock. She just looked like a savage beast. "Come, don't be naive. You're just perfect for some dumbass, not a prince like Lucian. He is a prince even though he is not royalty. Come on, just look at him!" I hear all the other comments from the girls, I feel hot tears burning in my eyes and running down my cheeks, I shouldn't have done this to myself, now laughter erupts and some scream 'coward.' I can't handle it anymore, I run off the stage, outside, as fast as possible. The soothing air of the afternoon calms my nerves, with the setting rays of the sun. Its golden nature is the best for such moments like this. If not for anything, I take consolation that one day the sun will shine. I don't know how or when or through what means, I got to believe it. This single dose of optimism soon paves way for depression, the ordeal was so terrible, something I can't easily forget. In my heart, I pray Lucian's eyes are opened to the truth. He can't become the Alpha without his fated mate and that's me, that's the law set, most especially as he is competing for the position with his cousin, also bearing the Alpha title because his father who was ruling our pack as the Alpha got abdicated after caught in adultery, so Lucian's father, being his immediate brother took up his position. Now that they are of age, Lucian, twenty-one and Gunner, twenty-three, one of them must become Alpha, but no one wants to forfeit the position. By law, both of them are legally qualified to rule the pack but one has to be chosen. As for Lucian, having a fated mate and getting her pregnant with his heir would be of great advantage to him, Gunner is already with his mate but no child. If both would have both terms qualified, then the council of Alpha makers would hold a meeting to decide who then becomes the next Alpha. If I were to make a decision, I would go for Lucian, whom my heart is after. He has the natural characteristics of a leader although Gunner commands more respect, naturally, than him, probably because he is a confirmed gangster. I don't know for how long I've been wandering, frustrated and depressed prior to the depression. The next place I find myself is the bar which offers free drinks to anyone living in the pack house. I hope no one would be there by this time, as it's both school and office hours. My eyes got stuck and I frooze when I spotted Gunner, one person I've tried my best and actually succeeded in avoiding for many years now. He is living at the pack house which is an estate, in his own separate apartment with his mate and servants. For many years, I've never had a personal encounter with him because of how dangerous he is. He is standing in the midst of seven guys, talking in low tones. These guys are fierce and tall, they must either be of the Beta or Gamma breed. Omega males aren't gifted in appearance like this. Immediately I stepped inside, they turned their attention towards me, I can't escape at this point, even my wolf is shaking. My gaze falls to the ground, I remember I'm in a skimpy outfit which I wore to impress my fated mate. They might think I'm seducing them, the next I see Gunner walking towards me, my heart goes close to stopping. He grabs me by the collar of my top. "You have been avoiding me up till now, the wind of fate has blown you my way and I wouldn't spare you." He pulls me away with him, amidst the tears which are dripping from my eyes.
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