Chapter 23

1322 Words

Mia's POV I was nervous and anxious at the same time. Because I couldn't wait for the result of my plans. All I wanted to hear was that the plan was carried out successfully. I began to pace around in my room. Rex was in my chamber keeping me company, "Why do you get yourself so worked up?" He asked. Moving closer to me, he placed his hands on my shoulders gently massaging them. It felt so good having him around. This was why I loved him, he always found a way to make me happy. I placed my hands on my forehead, “I don't know. I just feel uneasy about the whole thing. What if my plan doesn't work out this time?" I questioned. Rex stood up embracing me, "You don't have to worry. I believe it will work out this time. And when it finally happens, everything will come to an end." He assur

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