Chapter 69

1217 Words

Mia’s POV If I was told that Xander was this cruel, I wouldn't believe it even in my dreams. It's been seven months now, and I've never gotten any fresh air outside. I'm always indoors with hefty guards at my doorpost and maids coming in only when necessary. The most painful thing is that my maid was taken away from me, so I will be left alone even in this condition. No one would believe that he hasn't for once stepped his feet into this room to see if I'm even alive or not...the only good thing he did is to order that I eat three square meals a day because of my condition, making me wonder what he would have done to me if I wasnt pregnant. “My father!” I haven't set my eyes on him since he was taken into the cell, and now I don't know if he's still alive or not. What of Rex? He isn't

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