"What?!" he blurted out, spitting the beer out. "You like CEO Jung?!"
"Well yeah," she replied. "Who wouldn't?"
"When did you two even start hanging out?"
He was having a nervous breakdown. His sister and his former boss? What the actual hell?!
"At the pub," she answered as if it wasn't even a big deal. "I've told you a couple times, Josh. He's a regular customer."
"But... But—"
"Whatever you're thinking, Joshua, stop it," she warned him. "Don't psyche me out even more 'coz I'm already going nuts. I may be a bit tipsy but I do have a good aim."
"But Eri, he's my boss!"
"Didn't stop you from confessing in front of everyone," she spat back. "Or so I've heard."
His brows furrowed. How'd she know?
"Oh, I'm friends with Producer Min. He texted me. Gosh, it's so embarrassing to be your sister right now," she teased while taking a bite off her chicken. "Blurting out 'I love you' like that. If you're gonna confess your feelings to Miss Manoban, you should've done it a bit more smoothly. Not like that. At least I have a good plan."
"Plan? A drunk confession is your plan?"
"At least I won't crash and burn like you."
"I didn't--you know what? I give up. Do whatever the f**k you want."
"I will," she stated while folding her arms. "That's the plan. I will confess to him tonight before he leaves for some business thing again."
He froze. So she doesn't know?
"I know, I know. He's your boss and whatnot. But he's just so... perfect, you know? He's handsome and smart. He's rich too but above all those things? He's really really nice. Like I don't think he's even real. I bet his feet smell so bad. That's the only way the universe can balance his perfection," she started to ramble.
He just listened. While contemplating whether to tell her or not about his real condition.
Weirdly, what Erika said about 'balance' made him realize, Asher Jung was indeed perfect in the context his sister dreamingly says. And the balance wasn't the smelly feet. It was his illness.
"He's a good listener, to be honest. You know how much I hate it when people interrupt me while I'm talking—"
"I have the scars to prove that," he interjected earning a glare from her.
"—as I was saying, it's like his attention is on you 100%. And I like that. And I can talk to him about anything without feeling insecure or anything."
"Clearly you can't talk to him about this one."
Shock was an understatement when describing Erika's expression right now. She even dropped the chicken she's holding.
"L-Astrid! I mean, Miss Manoban!" she blurted out. The drunkenness—or whatever, disappeared instantly.
"If you're sure of what you feel, then just tell my brother. Not drunk but sober. But I do think that drunk confession idea is bloody genSerenas," said then turned towards him. "What? It was boring in there and I heard you have chicken. I'm not passing up free food since I haven't eaten since I got here."
Erika threw him a questioning look to which he immediately averted.
"So, you're confessing," Miss Manoban said as she sat next to him--after motioning him to scoot over, and grabbed her own piece of chicken. "Bloody finally. My brother never really had the guts to confess himself. At least if you'll do it, it'll save you guys more time. Invite me to the wedding, would 'ya?"
Erika spat out the beer she just drank.
"Miss Manoban, I... What made you think there will be a wedding even?" His sister said--still shocked. "I mean, he doesn't even know yet--"
"He doesn't need to know you like him for him to like you."
"What?" Who said that line between him and Erika, he wasn't sure.
"My brother likes you too, Erika," his boss stated nonchalantly. "Why'd you think he'd spend most of his nights in your pub? If he wanted to drink, we own dozens of bars all over Seoul."
"Maybe he just likes the place?"
"Or he likes the person running the place," she answered grabbing the can of beer from him and chugging from it. "You like him and he likes you. No need for that elaborate plan of yours. Just go and tell him. His flight leaves early tomorrow morning so you have to do it now."
Erika blinked twice--maybe trying to get hold of all her emotions. "B-But--"
Then the doorbell rang. His forehead creased as Miss Manoban grinned.
"I guess that would be my brother," she said mischievously before turning to a white-as-sheet looking Erika. "What are you waiting for? Answer the bloody door before he finds out I lied!"
With that, Erika nodded and gathered herself before sprinting towards the door. He turned towards Miss Manoban who also stood up.
"We should give them privacy," she said laying her hand out for him. "Shall we go to your bedroom, Secretary Jeon?"
"Erika!" Asher was surprised to see the brunette open the door for him. He was about to ask why she was there but remembered that she and Secretary Jeon were siblings. "I uh... I came to pick up Astrid? She said she was here and--"
"I-I need to tell you something!" Erika blurted out startling him. "I uh... I need to tell you something... important."
"Uhm... sure," he answered as his hand went to his nape. "Would you like to talk inside or..."
"Can we... uh... can we talk while taking a walk?" she suggested after looking inside. "Joshua's inside with your sister and I wanted to talk in... in private?"