Chapter 3

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Beeze's POV• "Tonight 8:30." Wes tells me as Thomas lay fast asleep in his arms. "Huh?" "You'll know." "What in the bloody world are you talking about?" He only winks and I roll my eyes, serving the other customers. I was distracted as he drives off. ----------- 8:30 on the dot I stand still, waiting for some kind of signal. 8:31. 8:32 8:33 8:49 9:00 He's not coming isn't he. You never listen. Guys like him want nothing to do with girls like you. I grab my bag and move out of the shop to lock the doors. My aunt was probably fast asleep so imagine my surprise when I find a figure in my bedroom. Flying open the door, I find Wes sweeping through my stuff. "Mr. Roman." I call crossing my arms, my British accent thick. He freezes before spinning on one heel. "Beeze." He smiles sheepishly. "How are you?" "Great." I raise an eyebrow. "What're you doing in my room?" "I was waiting for you, eight thirty?" "You never gave me a signal! How was I supposed to know that?!" "I . . . I don't know." I roll my eyes at the man and plop down on my bed. He takes out some food from Wendy's and it's been three years since I last tasted it. "Hungry?" "Not really." I lie. "Right." He rolls his eyes. He slides me a box and the scent fills my nose. "Gosh you're amazing." I practically moan. He laughs and I dig in. "I thought you weren't hungry?" "We both knew I was lying." He chuckles and we eat in surprising calmness. When we were done I threw my rubbish away and sat on the bed. I noticed his casual attire, different from his normal suits. He had some skinny ripped jeans and a plain black long sleeved crew neck shirt. "So, Mr. Roman. What is someone like you doing here in my bedroom?" "Someone like me?" "Y'know, we're from different worlds. You own a billionaire company. I work at my aunts restaurant and I don't even get paid." "Oh, I don't know. You intrigue me." "How so?" "You're. . . complex. Difficult to read. Hard to understand." "So . . .I'm just some puzzle that you trying to figure out?" "Something like that." "Well you know what people do with puzzles when they're all put together? They put them away, abandon then until their bored again. Something like a toy. And I Mr. Roman, am no toy." "See, you never sounded like that when we first met, you looked afraid of me, now you look like you want to castrate me." I gasp. "Never!" I whisper yell and he chuckles. "I was only joking, and no you're not a puzzle. You're something I can't put a label on." "I don't want a label." "Well darling, you won't get one." He winks and I roll my eyes. "You think you're so great don't you?" "I believe I am." He chuckles and I lay back on my bed, eyes closed. I hear boxes moving and then everything goes quiet. I clamp my eyes shut waiting for the question. "Where are your parents?" I sigh before shaking my head. "I killed them." He bursts out laughing and I tilt my head. He stops and raises both eyebrows. "Oh, You're serious. Beeze you're like 20-" "21." "-how could you have killed your parents?" I bite my lips and avert my eyes. "She's for sale buy her!" My father screamed at the buyer. "I was only ten years old, and the last of all my siblings. I had two brothers, three sisters. All had been sold." "She's too young. You told me she was fifteen! She doesn't even look twelve." "Look I need the money okay! Let her be your maid or something." "My parents were drug addicts and they would make children so they could sell them. However I was adopted at three years old. My mother was too young. Hence the reason why they wanted to get rid of me so young, I wasn't one of theirs. I was just even faster money. " "They went through all those papers from adoption just for drugs?" Wes asks sounding disgusted and I shrugged. "Anyway, that night the man left and there was still no money in his hands. My mother was not only a drug dealer, but a p********e. So she was not home. Yet." "You're so worthless!" He screamed at me and I flinched, making a dash for my room but I was too slow. He grabbed my leg and pulled me towards him. "No!" I screamed in my little voice. I scoffed. "But who exactly was I screaming for right?" He picked me up and slammed me onto the couch. "If no one wants you and you're eating my food why can't I have a little income too?" He smiles wickedly and I gasp realizing what he was about to do. "At ten years old there's not a lot my little feet could do. My legs were no longer than a six year old's " I stare out the window, into the dark. "So he lifted my skirt..... And I screamed. 'No', 'please stop'." I let out a bitter laugh. "And you know what he said? He ripped my skirt off and told my if he had a gun right now he would blow my brains out." Wes's jaw clenched as I continued talking and I knew he wanted to comfort me but I wasn't ready. "And-"My voice cracks as tears began to flow. "I laid on that couch with seconds left until that man took away my innocence. So, using a pocket knife that my real mom gave me before I left.....I stabbed him. Over, and over and over again." "Few hours later I was sitting on the ground . . . Knees to my chest and my mom came in." "What did you do you brat?!" She screamed at me. "I thank the lord everyday that she wasn't there." I started sobbing. "Because I knew she would've helped him." Wiping my tears was useless because more kept falling. "She herself tried to kill me but once again she was met with the same fate as the man. I took the money that she got while doing her dirty work and I ran. I didn't know where I was going but I ran." "A few years later I'm eighteen and I receive a letter from my mom, telling me she can't take me back because she has a new family, so she bought me a plane ticket and here I am!" He's silent and I fold my arms. Suddenly he reaches forward wipes the remaining tears. "You're beautiful . . . you know that?" My breath hitches...and I smile but I shake my head. I know he realized how hard it was for me to admit this, and I felt stupid. I just vented to a complete stranger! What the heck is wrong with me? "Wes, it's best if you don't bother getting involved with me, if that's even on your mind. The happiest moment of my life was when Thomas grew so close to me. I never had a day when all I felt was happy. Or that when I got home, all that would be there is warmth and family. The last time I really went outside of the building was two years ago. I've been locked in here since. Her house. Her rules." I wipe my remaining tears and stand dusting my thighs. "You'll have to climb through the window to leave." "Who says I'm leaving? The night has just begun." He ignores everything I said, a little smile on his face. --------- It was pretty late but I laid away near Wes. Never in my life would I think this man would be in my room, lying on my bed. We weren't touching, but I could feel his body heat. I learned a good bit about him, he's 25, he plays basketball, he likes Chinese. Y'know the usual. "You've been through a lot." He mutters staring at my ceiling. "Yea . . . I guess in reality, it made me who I am today." A few moments of silence passes by. "Go out with me tomorrow night." He turns on his side staring at me. "I can't." I shake my head. "Why?" "Why? Why would you want to go out with me? I murdered two people, if they weren't drug addicts I'd be in jail or wanted right now." "It was self defense!" He exclaims. "Shhhhh." I tell him placing one finger on his lips. "My aunt would never allow it. I can't even go outside damit!" I whisper yell. "We'll sneak out. Romeo and Juliet style." "Oh yeah? And how did Romeo and Juliet end up?" "In love." "Wrong. Dead." I deadpan and he chuckles. Wes I-" "Aurora please . . ." I bite my lip and his grey eyes turn to them, something clouding his eyes. "Fine. But please not too late. If I get caught I'm dead. Now go home. Give the babysitter a break." He grins those pearly white teeth leaning over to kiss my cheek and I blush averting my eyes. "Goodnight Aurora." "Goodnight Wes." I mutter suddenly shy and he chuckles. Before you know it he's out the window and into his car. I do a happy scream into my pillow once the coast is clear and clear my throat. Before laying on the bed again. "Thank you Lord that I made it this far. Thank you for the greatest thing that might ever happy to me. May you watch over what ever might happen tomorrow night. Amen."
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