Chapter five: Her new toy

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Lucifer When we were inside the castle, Zatana grinned at me happily, I’d literally given her the best gift she could have hoped for. Great. I noticed the one in the wheelchair looking at me and when I caught her eyes she looked away, blushing bashfully. I frowned and then glanced at myself in the mirror. Right. Sometimes I forgot I still looked like the Archangel I once was. I was six foot seven and built like a God, most of us were, but my God had made sure I was more than the rest, more muscular so that every movement had me rippling with muscle, my skin was flawless, not a blemish to be seen. Lips that were full and such a perfect Cupid bow shape they would make Cupid himself damn proud, I had strong cheekbones and a chiseled jawline, my hair was golden blonde, and I didn’t mean golden blonde in human terms, it was a true metallic gold in colour, almost anyway, and it fell into my eyes, I liked it short tousled and messy, and so I kept it like that rather than the long golden blonde it had been when God had made me. My hair was almost curly, like God couldn’t decide if it should have been curly or just wavy. My eyes normal colour when I was in this form was an ice blue so pale they almost looked white, they were also mixed with an ice violet and ice green while the flecks that ran through them were rose gold. I was too perfect, and I meant it, once someone had gone mad from looking upon me and falling in love in an unnatural way. Most people had a strong enough mind, but some people who were more vulnerable or mentally unstable struggled with how I looked. The only thing that made me less than perfect now was the long thick jagged scar that ran down across the left side of my face, from my forehead, across my eye, which thankfully was still intact and ran all the way down to my jawline. All thanks to Michael’s damn blade during the war. Apparently, the witch was enthralled too, because she came over to me and lay her hands upon my chest. “You are such perfection. Don’t move.” She leaned up and kissed me on the lips, and there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about it. Remembering the girl in the wheelchair, she moved away from me and chirped, “come my king, I want you to show me all the wicked things you can do in the bedroom.” Great. I looked over to the girl in the wheelchair and glared at her, Dagon said we could trust her, but I wasn’t sure, and I had no one else to glare at right now, so I took it out on her. She flinched and looked to the floor. It really didn’t take the witch long to finish at all, I barely gave her foreplay and she became undone. I mentally rolled my eyes and was doing up the white button-up shirt she had given me. “You can go join Arabella now. Don’t want you trying to kill me while I sleep now do we?” She winked at me, and I bit my lower lip to keep from spitting out all the foul things I wanted to say to her. Wheelchair girl was struggling to get up the ramp as I came along, she was on the third one and In my way, so I pushed her up to save us both the frustration. “Where is your room?” I asked. Fear was in her soft voice when she replied, “the top floor.” Of course the b.itch would put her disabled stepdaughter all the way on the top floor. I wheeled her into her room when we got there and put it in front of her bed, as I assumed that was where she wanted to go. “Thank you, do you want to sleep beside me?” She asked. I rose my eyebrows at that and asked, “is that an invitation?” She blushed and scowled at me, “no! I’m not that kind of lady, I just thought you would want to be like Dagon and sleep comfortably instead of on the floor.” I laughed at her response and trailed my gaze slowly over her. She was quite pretty for a human, she had black skin the shade of light hot cocoa, her eyes were doe shaped and the darkest shade of brown, her lips were pretty and full, and she had long hair tied back in a braid that stopped at her mid back. Her hair was fascinating, and it wasn’t from any hair dye, it was a mix of the palest lilac to the darkest purple and almost black towards the bottom. She must have been about five foot four in height, tiny and petite, she reminded me of a doll. I took all this in, in a matter of seconds, and laughed, “yeah, I don’t think Dagon had any plans of sleeping beside you.” She looked at me confused, but I laughed more softly and muttered, “never mind, go to sleep, Belle.” “Belle? No one has ever called me that before.” “Well I can’t be bothered pronouncing your full name, so Belle it is.” She gave a small smile and shook her head at me before lifting herself onto the bed. It looked exhausting, so I got up and picked her up, ignoring her squeal of surprise and dropped her in the middle of the bed. “Was that supposed to be helpful?” She snapped. I shrugged at her, “it was tiring to watch, you’re welcome, princess.” She huffed in frustration but then asked me, “where will you sleep?” I looked around the room, the floor was marble and had a large red rug on it, the bed had a matching red quilt and pillows, the canopy was white and besides a few drawers, the room was mostly bare, had she no personal belongings? I looked at her wheelchair and grabbing it, I dropped myself into it and put my feet up on the bed. “This will do.” “You can’t sleep in my wheelchair!” she gasped. “Why not?” “Because, well, I mean I guess you can, but it won’t be very comfortable.” I grinned at her then and asked, “are you sure you’re not trying to convince me to join you in bed?” “Pfft, no! Don’t be so wickedly dirty minded, beast!” “You sure? Because your stepmother certainly enjoyed my wicked and beastly ways in bed.” She picked up a pillow and threw it at me. “Hush with your crude words.” She flopped back down in the bed and turned herself so that her back was to me, grinning, I leaned back in the chair and tried to get some sleep.
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