The first thing

704 Words
I; XV "Miss Andronika Rashel, you are under arrest for stealing from the state's museum," the officer said as he took out his handcuffs. I thought I had collapsed but I didn't. Why can't I just lose consciousness when I needed it the most? Aleka, do something!! 'What do you want me to do?' Can't you turn back time or shoot these men dead?! 'I'm a spirit, not a freaking demi-God!!' She snapped. Then make me faint or something!!! 'I don't have control over your consciousness!' I could everyone staring at me, waiting for my reaction. Murmurs filled my ears and in an instant, my heart was about to fly out of my chest. I could hear it all. "She stole from the museum?!" "She's a thief!" "So much for a perfect student, huh?" One of them snickered. "No wonder she ran to class today!" Oh, ground, please swallow me up, please swallow me!!! "Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law," he said as he took my wrist. I couldn't say a word and my lips were glued so tightly that I could barely feel it. Then I felt someone yank my hand. I looked up to see Dylan glaring at the police officer. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Dylan snapped and pulled me towards him. "Sir, I advice you to stay out of this," the policeman said in a calm tone. 'Aleka, you must go with them' Are you insane?!! "You have the wrong person, do you even know who she is?!" Dylan hissed. "Sir, we have all evidence against Miss Rashel and it would be in your best interest to stay out of the police business" 'Andronika, I know what I'm saying, you must go with them' None of this would have happened if you didn't make me steal the stupid jewel in the first place! I spat. 'Mind your language! Show some respect to your ancestral heirloom!' Ancestral my foot!! The policeman grabbed my wrist and Dylan pushed him back. "Don't you dare touch her!!" At this point, everyone in the classroom was whispering and anticipating the drama, some had even brought out their phones to record this moment. The moment I fall from grace to grass. The perfect student going to jail. What a great spectacle. "If you don't want to face the repercussion of meddling with the state's affairs, you better back off, young man!" the policeman warned. My head began weighing the options I had. I couldn't let Dylan get into trouble because of me. The policemen weren't lying, I did steal the jewel and I should be given the appropriate punishment for that. 'Andronika, I know you feel this is all my fault, but please just listen to me this once. Go with the police, everything will be fine' Aleka said. Dylan was about to say something else before I grabbed his hand. He looked down at me with a frown. "It''s okay" I whispered to him. "W-what? Nika, you don't have-" "It's okay, Dylan. It's fine" I gave him a small smile. I brought my hands in front of the police officer and he put the handcuffs around my wrists. I never knew they would feel so heavy. "Then I'll go with you," Dylan said. "I'm sorry sir, only her guardian or an adult can come along. I advise you call her parents" the police officer said before he took me out of the class. "I'll come along," Mr. Henry said and I gave him a grateful smile. We stepped out of the classroom and a crowd had already been formed in the hallway. Students filled the hall, all holding their cameras to video the moment they would use to mock me. My head went numb and blank as I was pulled out of the school building as the light flashed in my face. I was thankful I decided to let my hair down today. At least it covered my face from the camera. At least it made me cover the shame I felt. It was only after I got into the van, the reality of my situation dawned on me. I'm going to jail.
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