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446 Words
My eyes swept over the room as my feet unconsciously moved me down the room. I was speechless and just couldn't believe what i was seeing. I never knew of the existence of this place and now as i saw what was inside, all i could do was ask what was all this? 'This should be the answer to all your questions' Aleka said. On the walls of the basement, paintings of different kind were hung on the wall. Women in armours, holding swords, axes and they seemed to be warriors. I walked further into the room and it continued like that. Women in different armours holding treasures and bounties. I was awed by their divine command and the expression of conidence and pride in their faces. They looked like general, army commanders and each one of them stood tall with dignity. My mouth was wide open as I reached the final painting but I had to squint my eyes to make sure I was seeing right. No, no way. I mean it can't be- I moved forward and looked closer. Is that my mother?!! She stood out from all the women with her bright blonde hair and tall stature. Her deep brown eyes were capable of melting the heart of those who looked at her. She was in an armour made of steeel and she had bow in her hand with a sling which was filled with arrows tied to her back. Tears were nearly dropping from my eyes as I stared at her. I miss her so much. Aleka, what was my mother doing here? I asked. 'She-' She couldn't complete her sentence. "Answer me! Who are all these people?!" I demanded. 'Tell me, what is the common thing in them?' They are all warriors? I frowned. 'No. something else' she said. They all had blonde hair? 'No. they are all wearing something on their neck' she said. I looked closely and saw what she meant. I walked down to the other paintings and they were all indeed wearing the same thing on their neck. The locket! 'Yes. they are all wearing the same locket you are wearing' she confirmed. "The same? Are you sure it's the same one or it is just similar?" I asked. 'No, it is the exact same locket' she corroborated. "But how? I mean. how can it be the same?" I was confused. 'Because they are your ancestors, Andronika' she said. "My what?!" I screeched. "What do you mean by my ancestors? How is ths possible?" What was she even saying?! 'You might want to sit down for this' I didn't like the tone of her voice one bit.
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