
1292 Words
“What were you doing?” I feel the heat flush in my cheeks. “Harley, were you?” His hand grips my arm and pulls it out from under the sheet, and yep, the wetness is still there. I shake my head, trying to deny it. I watch his head lower and he sucks my fingers into his mouth. “Same delicious taste as before.” I moan out loud at his words. “What made you this wet, baby girl?” I shake my head. “Uncle Jasper.” My words are barely a whisper. “Oh, I really don’t think you should call me uncle right now baby girl. So, tell me what made you so damn wet?” “You did, since that night I had struggled to orgasm, always stuck on the edge.” I moan and watch as he peels back the sheet. His eyes settle between my legs. “f**k, I’m going to hell.” His words shock me and he moves quickly, his head between my legs, his mouth teasing me slow and gently, too slow and gentle for me to actually finish. He pulls back and smiles at me. “Tell what you were thinking.” I shake my head at him. “If you don’t, I stop.” “If all you’re going to do is taunt me, get out and let me finish what you just started.” I go to push him away and his hand captures mine. “I will let you finish baby girl, just tell me what you were thinking about.” His tongue flattens against me, and I bite against my lip to stop me crying out. “I was remembering that night, I was trying to recreate it, imagining my fingers were yours.” I have to bite my hand as he thrusts his fingers into me, his tongue teasing and working faster with his fingers. My hips push up, and I bite against my hand to stop my moans. I’m there, right on the edge needing it, but I can’t. “Come on baby girl.” His words spur me on but I’m still stuck. He chuckles slightly and I groan. “Just stop, it’s useless.” What the hell? “It isn’t, I will have you finishing on my mouth.” His hands move and grasp my hips so that he can bury his head deeper in my thighs. My head shakes as all it is doing is making the feelings more intense. “What do you need baby girl?” His words are mumbled against my s*x. “Slow and gentle?” His fingers stroke along my body, his tongue slowing down. I moan but it isn’t enough. “Maybe hard and fast?” His nails dig into my hips and he bites my thigh. A small scream escapes my mouth and he looks at me amused. I feel his fingers push into my s*x again, one hand grips my breast and his tongue teases my clit, I’m about ready to tell him to stop when he bites against my clit, and I scream. I feel his hand clamp down on my mouth as grind against him, and he licks me faster through the orgasm. Everything goes black and I struggle to breathe, I needed that, I really did. I feel him shifting, his hand gripping my chin. “Breathe baby girl, open your eyes and breath.” His words are soft and I do. “Thank you.” I feel like I need to praise him right now. I move, feeling his c**k against my stomach, my hand reaches for his jeans and he shakes his head. “That’s twice now, and I am not letting you leave the room hard.” Hell, there is a chance he will run and hide after this so I will get as much as I can from this. “Baby girl, I won’t last long enough f*****g you to make you come again, that night has been on replay in my mind as well.” “I didn’t say f**k me, Uncle Jasper,” I smile and his eyes widen. “Try Daddy instead of Uncle Baby girl, now get on your knees.” I move off the bed, kneeling before him, a moan escaping my mouth as I open his jeans and release his c**k. I become wet just looking at him. Anyone else I f****d in the past seems, well like boys compared. I stroke my tongue along his shaft, watching as his head falls back. I suck him into my mouth and begin teasing him. Sucking slowly, and I can see he is restraining himself for some reason. I do the only thing I can think of to get a reaction. I grasp his ass and pull him to me, gagging against him. He swears and grips my hair pulling my head back. “Baby girl, don’t do that.” I lick my lips and smile. “What about this Daddy?” I do it again, but this time I swallow with him in my throat, his hand pulls me back and he growls. s**t, that’s hot. “Shall I do that more Daddy?” “Baby girl, behave, I’m losing my control.” “Hmm.” I suck him into my mouth and release him with a pop. “I like the sound of that Daddy, what happens when you lose control?” I suck him back into my mouth and move my head, taking him deeper and gagging. His head falls back and I see the pleasure flicker through his expression. His groans become louder as I suck harder, his head shaking as I swallow, restricting my throat around his c**k. “s**t, baby girl…” His words are quiet and he groans. “f**k, I’m sorry.” I don’t get time to consider why he is apologising, his hands grasp my hair tight and hold me in place. His hips thrusting as he f***s my mouth. I gag against him constantly, trying to breathe through my nose. His hips speed up as he pushes himself deeper. Saliva drips from my mouth as he keeps going, and I can see he has lost control, but it’s hot as f**k. He groans and pulls back, his hand gripping his c**k as his release splashes across my face. “f**k, baby girl.” He looks at me amazed, moving, I stroke my finger through his release sucking it into my mouth before releasing it. “Daddy?” He groans at my word. “Now will you f**k me?” I flutter my lashes at him, and he moves too quickly for me to notice. My body slammed against the wall. I wrap my legs around him feeling his c**k at my entrance and he stumbles back. “I can’t f**k you.” I watch as he quickly gets dressed. “What the f**k did I just do? You’re my best friend's daughter!” “Oh, so you can f**k my mouth, make me f**k your mouth but you won’t actually f**k me?” Damn, I thought it was happening, and that brief moment had pleasure burn through me like never before. “Baby girl…Harley, I can’t. God your dad will murder me, he thinks your f*****g innocent, if he ever knew I touched you.” He shakes his head. “s**t! This can’t happen again Harley, ever. I’m sorry, but no.” He rushes out and I stand shocked, he was so close to f*****g me, then he just stopped. Getting cleaned up, I climb into bed, falling asleep quickly. At least I finally got the release I craved all weekend.
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