Chapter 20

2512 Words

Chapter 20 Katana “Come on! Let’s go, Katana!” “Grrrr…” I growled. “Was that a growl or a f*cking purr? I said 'LET’S GO!'” “Stop pushing me!” I snarled. “You’re only six miles into a 30-mile run!” “You’re going to make me run all thirty miles today!?” I exclaimed. “That’s your punishment for insubordination! Unless you feel like kneeling in front of everyone you disrespected on your first day on the job and gravel for their pardon!” Over my dead body, you b*tch. I thought to myself. “You can curse me all you want in your head, Katana. The Desert Moon pack does not take kindly to being disrespected. You’re a new recruit that the Alpha graciously extended an offer to, and you threw that back in his face with your sh*tty attitude.” “I came here for a job! I didn’t sign-up for f*ckin

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