Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 Nari “State your name and your purpose?” the guard at the gate said to me. I looked at him and didn’t know how to respond. “Excuse me, miss. I need you to state your name and purpose for being here. This is private property.” He said to me with a stern tone. “Oh, um, sorry. I’m here to see Allie,” I reluctantly reply and look past the gate a bit. “And your name?” “It’s Nari. I’m her cou…sin….” I answered. Even to me, that still sounded strange. Having only met her that one time at the charity event last year, I wondered if she would even be willing to see me. What choice did I have, honestly? Other than the backstabbing SOBs back in Los Angeles, Allie was the only family I could think of that lived remotely close enough to turn to. I could only hope she wouldn’t hold her grudge against our grandparents against me as well. The guard looked at me skeptically but went back into the booth either way. I saw him pick up the phone and turn his back to me. He would turn around to glance at me here and there. A few minutes later, he nodded and then pushed a button to open the gate. “Mrs. Shaw will see you. Please drive forward towards the main house.” “Main house?” I questioned. Just how big was her property? “Yes. You can’t miss it. Have a good day,” he said shortly and curtly. I pouted at the not-so-warm welcome and drove in. Like he said, I followed the main road and couldn’t help but marvel at all the cottages and townhomes. It looked like a small neighborhood but also one great property at the same time. I was confused but didn’t question it too much as a ginormous mansion came into my view. “What in the world …” I said out loud as I gawked while I drove into the roundabout towards the front door. I got out of my car with my jaw wide open. This mansion was borderline a castle. I suddenly heard the front door open, and a Hispanic woman came out. I was a little confused seeing her because I was under the impression that this was Allie’s house. “You have some nerve showing up here!” she shouted while stomping toward me. I backed away the closer she got and backed up straight into the hood of my car. “What the f**k do you want!?” she shouted at me. “I … I …” I couldn’t answer. She was so frightening. “Spit it out! Why are you here!? Where’s your family? Huh? Your grandparents here to give more s**t to my girl!?” she yelled in my face. “Sin! Stop it!” I looked behind this crazy woman and saw Allie pinching the bridge of her nose. “No, I will not stop. This b***h has some f*****g nerve. It’s bad enough your grandparents called you all those horrid things when you went to get answers from them two years ago, but now your skank of a cousin decides to show up at our house unannounced!” the woman Allie called Sin responded to her. She turned her head towards me, and I swore I thought I heard her growl, and her eyes flashed black. It must have been the light hitting her eyes or the shadow from her lashes. “My girl has gone through enough hell to last a f*****g lifetime. She doesn’t need you coming over here uninvited to start any more f*****g drama. So, how about you and your amazing life take a f*****g hike!” she shouted in my face. Hearing her say that I had a great life hit me the wrong way, and tears immediately flooded my eyes. I looked at this woman and saw how much she loved my cousin. She wasn’t even her family. At least not by blood. I couldn’t help the surge of jealousy and hurt consumed me, and I started crying. “What the f**k?” I heard Sin grumble. “Sin! Look what you did!” Allie shouted as I heard her come over. I saw her shove her friend out of the way, and she put her hands on my shoulders. “Nari, don’t let Sin get to you. She’s.. a little overprotective of me. She always has been,” Allie says. Her words cause me to cry harder as I throw my arms around her neck and start bawling. I could feel her body tense, and I was sure I caught her off guard, but I couldn’t stop myself and didn’t know who else I could turn to. I felt hesitation, but she started to pat my back lightly. “Ooljimah Nariya. Ooljimah. Ddook, ddook. (Don’t cry, Nari. Don’t cry. There, there.) “What the f**k?” I heard Sin say again. After crying for what felt like forever, Allie eventually brought me inside the giant house and into a giant dining room. A woman she called Mrs. Johnson gave me some lemonade to calm me down while Allie and her friend Sin drank tea. A few other friends of theirs came in, and it made me wonder if she was having a small get-together that I may have interrupted. Only I found out that all of these people lived here. I was curious to know what kind of life my cousin was living, but I didn’t think she would be willing to share. “Nari, are you calm now?” Allie asked me. I nodded as I took another sip of lemonade and sniffled for the millionth time. “Good. Now, how about explaining to me why you’re here? And how in the world you found my house?” “Um, after we met at the charity event last year, I started to dig into you and your husband. It’s amazing what you can find on the internet,” I answer. Allie and the others agree and nod their heads. “That doesn’t explain why your b***h ass is here,” Sin snarked. “Sin!” Allie scolded. “What? It doesn’t.” “I told you that I’ve made peace with everything. Let it go,” Allie snapped. Sin threw her hands up and just crossed her arms across her chest. “Nari, don’t mind her. Tell me what’s up. You seemed upset earlier, and something tells me it has nothing to do with Sin yelling at you.” I shook my head. I looked at her and felt she was the only one I could actually talk to, so I came clean. “I just got a divorce.” I watch Sin’s arms drop, the other women in the eyes of the room widen in shock, and Allie furrows her brows with her jaw drop in dismay. “Oh my God, why? You two seemed so in love at the event,” Allie eventually said. “I mean, other than the fact that you bought my husband and openly flirted with him.” “I meant no harm by that, Allie. It was a charity event, and I paid a lot of money for Dorian. Plus, it was harmless flirting. I did it a lot with rich men to get business for the family.” “So, you acting like a w***e was for money?” A woman with long red hair in a high ponytail asked. “Sam, really!?” Allie chastised. “Yes, really, Allie. This b***h pawed at Lucas when we were running security that night. IN FRONT OF ME!” I bit my bottom lip hearing this and sunk lower into my chair. Allie palmed her forehead while shaking her head at her friends. “You know what, if you guys aren’t going to be civil, then get the f**k out so I can talk to my cousin in peace!” Allie shouted at them. “I didn’t say anything!” an Asian girl said. “Neither did I!” a young brunette exclaimed as well. Allie gave everyone a death glare, and they all sat quietly. Allie definitely had influence over them, but I wondered how. “Nari, excuse their horrible manners. Please, continue.” “Well, after you and your husband left that night, Alex went missing, but I figured he was just off mingling with all the rich folk to try and get all the money they had out of their pockets. After all, that was his job at these events. Eventually, I got tired of waiting for him and just went back to my hotel room. I wouldn’t say I liked those events, to be honest. Alex never came back that night, which was never unusual because he would always go out drinking afterward. I thought nothing of it.” I paused and took a breath. “Why do I feel a ‘but’ coming?” Allie asked, giving me a side-eye. “But, about five months after the event, I got a call from an unknown number. It was a woman, and she asked to meet me in private.” I paused again and looked up at Allie. She knew where this was going. “I went to meet her and was surprised to see that she was pregnant.” “No …” “Yeah … She was pregnant with Alex’s baby.” “What exactly did she say to you?” Allie asked while taking my hand in hers. It was then that I realized I was crying again. “She uh … She tried to blackmail me. She told me that she would go to the tabloids and out my husband as the father of her child, along with three other women who also claimed to have had an affair with him and were pregnant by him.” “WHAT?!” all of them shouted. Allie let go of my hand, and I could see the anger on her face. “Yeah. " Alex has been having multiple affairs and impregnated multiple women,” I said while wiping the tears from my cheeks. “Are you telling me that these women were trying to extort you for money?” the young brunette asked me. I nodded my head. “What did you say?” the other Asian girl asked. “I asked them to prove that their children were my husband’s. I knew Alex was a playboy in his youth, but I thought that all changed after we got married. I couldn’t just take their word for it,” I answered. “That was smart of you to do,” Allie said. “But I’m assuming, since you divorced, that Alex did, in fact, father those children?” I nodded my head. “Oh, Nari, I’m so sorry. Do your parents know?” “That’s the worst part!” I shouted while slamming my hands on the table. “My dad and grandpa knew! They f*****g knew and swept it all under the rug and paid off all of the women before. But they all ran out of the money they were paid off with.” “Which is why they came to you,” Sin said and crossed her arms again. She mumbled something in Spanish and gritted her teeth. “Did you confront your dad and your grandpa?” Allie asked. I was a little taken aback when she said “your grandpa” rather than our grandpa, but I figured she didn’t consider him family. “I did, and they had no problem admitting it. Grandma even sided with Grandpa on the matter and told me that I should just let it go. That bringing up the past would cause unwanted and unneeded drama. That they would pay them off again and force them to sign MNDAs this time.” “What’s an MNDA?” Sin asked. “Mutual non-disclosure agreement,” the young brunette answered. I looked at her, surprised she knew that. “Sorry, my name is Lacie. I took some business classes freshman year in college before moving here to Las Vegas to be with my ma … Ahhh … my boyfriend. Boyfriend. Well, husband now, but boyfriend then.” I looked at her funny while the others gave her death glares. Odd. I thought to myself. “And what did your mom say?” Allie asked in a very judgmental tone. “She slapped my father and demanded a divorce. But grandma and grandpa won’t let her. Their exact words were, “oori jib mangshin jeulyohgoh eerae! Don euroh da haegyul harsooessuh!”” I mocked my grandpa. “Translation, please?” Sin asked Allie. “Basically, they told her mom that getting a divorce would bring shame to their family image and that everything could be handled with money,” Allie replied while sitting back and crossing her arms. “Wait, then, how did you get a divorce?” Sam asked me. “I told Alex that if he didn’t give me a divorce, I would expose him as a cheater and all of the children he abandoned.” “And with the charity events he holds for s*x trafficking and child trafficking, being exposed as an unfit parent who abandons his own children, his image would become synonymous with that, and it would ruin him,” Allie concluded, and I nodded. “I’m guessing that didn’t bode over well with your parents and grandparents?” I shook my head. “They kicked me out and told me I’m an embarrassment and a shame to the family. My father chose my cheating ex-husband over his daughter all because of money and business.” Allie sighed and looked at her group of friends. All of them were staring at me with pity, even Sin. Allie sighed again and looked back at me. “So, that’s why I’m here. I know that we don’t know each other, and I know how much our family has hurt you, but … I honestly didn’t know who else to turn to. I’ve never felt so alone,” I sobbed. “And what about your baby?” Allie asked. I gasped and snapped my head up to look at her. “How did you ….” “Nari-ya … I can see your baby bump. I even felt it when you hugged me. Your what, about three, three and half months along? Besides, I saw how you dressed at the event last year. You like to show skin, and right now, you’re wearing a baggy romper that’s one size too big with a sweater cardigan in 85-degree Las Vegas spring. Plus, you’ve been trying to keep it closed since you walked into the house like you’re trying to hide something. And, your boobs are already getting bigger due to the increase in hormones and to accommodate for the breast milk.” My mouth opened and closed like a fish, not knowing how to respond, so instead, I just broke down crying again—stupid hormones. Allie sighed again and took my hands in hers. “Can you guys give us a minute?” I heard chairs scratching the floor and footsteps leaving. A minute or so later, it was just Allie and me. “Nuh utjeur sameeya?” (What are you planning to do?) “Moreugetsuh,” (I have no idea) “Ae honja keeoor saengak-ee-yah?” (Do you plan raising the baby by yourself?) “Geulaeyaji. Utteohge geureom?” (I’m going to have to. What else am I supposed to do?) “Neo jigeum musun jis-eul hago-issneunji ara?” (Do you know what you’re doing right now?) I looked up at her, confused. “Nug jigeum ne baesog-eessneun-ai gajok-eerang chollyun kkeunh-eullyeogo hagoneungeoya.” (You’re about to raise that baby in your stomach in a broken family.) “What do you expect me to do? He abandoned his children with four other women already. Do you honestly expect him to love this baby!” I shouted at her. “To be honest, no, I don’t. But you’re young, and I doubt you’ve ever been on your own before. If you don’t know how to take care of yourself, how do you expect to take care of a baby? And what will you do when your baby asks where their daddy is? Huh? What are you going to tell them?” “You can help me then!” “With what?” she asked. “Money! I need money.” “NARI!” she shouted at me, making me jump. “Not everything can be solved with money and handouts! Did you learn nothing from the other women!?” I looked down in shame. “Yes, money is important and needed to survive, but it will not solve all your problems! I am not going to give you money!” “WHY NOT!? YOU’RE FAMILY! AND YOU’RE RICH!” “Wrong! My husband is rich, not me. And two, just because we share the same blood doesn’t actually make us family. That saying blood is thicker than water is bullshit, and given what you’ve just been through, you know exactly what that feels like. Yes, you’re my cousin, but that doesn’t make us family. I don’t know you. So, I’m not just going to give you money. But because you are my cousin, I can help you find a job so that you can make your own money.” “A job!? You want me to work!? I’m pregnant!” “There are plenty of women in the world that work while pregnant, and many of them are single mothers like you! Don’t use that excuse with me, Nari, because that won’t fly with me. Neon dareun saram bodah wanjeonhan bok gwah sarang badeumyunsuh jaratt-suh. (Unlike many others, you grew up truly blessed and loved.) “This isn’t about you, Allie!” “I’M NOT TALKING ABOUT ME!” she screamed, making me jump again. “Yes, my life sucked growing up. But I don’t care anymore. My life right now is perfect. I have a perfect husband. I have three perfect kids. And I have some of the best friends anyone could ever ask for! I’m talking about all people who have to work hard every day to provide for their families and loved ones. Those who weren’t born into money! Those that don’t know what it’s like to live comfortably and in luxury. Those that will never know what it’s like to live that life. People who have never had anything just handed to them.” She let out a deep breath before continuing. “You were born into money. Your parents were. And I’m pretty sure your grandparents were too. Or one of them, at the very least. That’s why they are the way they are. They were spoiled and entitled, and that’s exactly how you turned out—spoiled and entitled. You chose this path, Nari, and now you must live with it. Now, I can help you find a job and a place to live, but that’s all. I’m not giving you money, and you will not be living here either.” “But …” “Take it or leave it.” She cut me off. I looked at her and realized that she was serious. I didn’t intentionally come here to ask for money, but I figured that with us being family, she would at least give me something. But I was totally wrong. I pondered for a minute or so before sighing defeat and nodding my head, “Fine. I’ll take it.” “Fine. You can stay here tonight while I look at some cheap apartments for you in the city. I know some people who need workers. Or, I can talk to Dorian, and you can work at his firm as a receptionist or some other simple desk job. Do you have a resume or work experience? Other than flirting with rich men?” I bit the inside of my cheek and shook my head. “Oh my god. It’s fine. It’s fine. I’ll figure it out. I’ll have Leah find you a spare bedroom here in the house for the night, and tomorrow, I’ll take you into the city to look at apartments.” I nodded my head. Allie pulled out her phone, started typing something, and then put it away. “Can I ask you something?” I asked carefully. “What?” “Do all of them live here?” “Yeah, why?” “Really?” “Do you have a problem with that?” “Huh? No, I find it a little odd. I mean, I saw that they all have wedding rings. So, all of their husbands live here too?” “They’re employed by me and my husband, Nari. Some of them have house duties in this house, some are guards for the property, and some work for Dorian at the firm. They live here because it’s convenient. It’s easier to understand if you consider us like … Ummm… a wolf pack, if you will. We’re one big ass family.” “Oh, I see.” I just left it at that because it seemed like Allie was done discussing the matter. Eventually, Leah came in and led me to a spare room on the second floor. The room was spacious and had an ensuite bathroom and a huge walk-in closet. I was honestly amazed at the size. It made my master bedroom back in LA look small. I tossed my bag on the bed and decided to have a bath. I was exhausted from the drive here, and hearing Allie call me out for being spoiled didn’t help my mood either. When I went into the bathroom, it was already stocked with shampoo, conditioner, brush, and bath bombs. I smiled and filled the tub. Figuring that tonight would be my last night living in luxury, as Allie called it, I wanted to enjoy it the best I could.
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