Chapter 10

2349 Words

Chapter 10 Mikey “No, his nose was wider, and there was a small puncture wound above his left brow. Looked to be remnants of a piercing of some sort. His hair was a buzz cut, and his cheekbones were low. Probably about here,” I say to the sketch artist that the police sent over while pointing to my face to give him a visual effect. “Yeah, like that,” I continue as I watch him draw. “Mr. Rays, onto the shape of his head. Was it round, square, oval, heart?” “Round. Most definitely round. He also had a very prominent widow’s peak along his hairline.” The sketch artist nodded and continued his drawing. “Mr. Rays, we’re sorry that this happened, but we’re also happy you’re okay. Did you, by chance, recognize this man?” the detective asked me. “If I did, do you think I would be sitting her

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