Interestingly Hot

1889 Words
"What do you think of the likes of me?" Brendan rolls his eyes as he watches the girl disappear into her house. "Why am I asking a nobody what they think of me?" "Because they might not exactly be a nobody." His mind retorts. "Whatever." He snaps at himself as memories of his actions earlier flood his mind. It was just supposed to be him getting into a little trouble, annoying daddy dearest and moving on. But as it turns out, looks can be deceiving. He was sure he was walking up to a nerd, with her oversized clothes and natural hair that looked like it only received minimal care on the best day. He watched her with boredom as who he assumed to be the friend took a few pics of her. He wondered if there would be anyone even willing to set their eyes on someone who looked the way she did. "This had better be worth it Nate." He had thought to himself as he strutted towards the oblivious girl. He wasn't about to put his reputation on the line for nothing. Unconsciously his hand reaches for his lips and for a moment his eyes flutter closed. "Talk about the unexpected." He was in no way prepared with what came next. The moment his lips touched hers he knew he couldn't let her go. He expected her to be the one melting into him but he found himself doing the opposite. Everything in him wanted her. She was shocked at first, but for whatever reason she kissed him back and he was done for. He could hear the gasps and whispers around them but he didn't care for anything apart from those lips that were driving him insane. The feel of her lips is still so vivid in his mind. The taste of her mouth was nothing like he had imagined. He was lost the moment his lips touched hers. So much that instead of his earlier plan he found himself diving deep and relishing the ecstasy that that one kiss brought with it. Tingles erupt within him afresh and for a moment he doubts if he is in his own body. This is so unlike him. He has been attracted to a countless number of girls but she seems to have awakened a totally different side to him. A side even he was not aware existed. Her eyes flash before him one more time and he can feel himself getting hotter than he was a second ago. He curses whatever possessed him to kiss her. He could have made her trip or something and that would have worked just fine. "She is not even my type damn it!" He huffs in frustration as he tries to shove those memories at the furthest place in his mind. "And yet look at where you ended up." His mind seems to smirk at him. He sighs in frustration but he looks around anyway. The unfamiliar surroundings leave him with a scrunched up face. "Where am I?" He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs loudly again. He was so focussed on getting under her skin with their bickering earlier he forgot to pay attention to his surroundings. Now that he is, he finds himself standing in the middle of the road. There are houses lined up on either side that he thinks are quite small. "Middle class, suburb?" He asks himself before continuing to look around. The houses are so close to each other he wonders if they don't suffocate. "Dude, they don't breathe." "You know what I mean." He retorts. This is definitely different from what he is used to. Unlike the vast pieces of land surrounding his home and that of their neighbours', these ones give off a feel of being too overcrowded with no space to breathe. The houses appear the same in all aspects. Same shape, same design and definitely the same size. The repeating patterns from one house to the next even makes him a little dizzy. Apart from the way the tiny lawn spaces in front of the yards are cared for, there is little to no uniqueness with each individual house. If he didn't know better the place would easily pass for a concentration camp. A few kids playing in one of the yards steers his attention from the uninteresting house designs. The tiny bunch are running around and screaming and he wonders if the neighbours aren't being disturbed with all that noise. But he can't help but smile too when he notices how happy they are. Running about with no care in the world. For some reason he finds himself imagining himself being one of those boys. He wonders what this kind of life would be like. "Dude, you are being weird right now." "How are you even a part of me?" He shoots his mind a glare, if that were even possible. The thing makes him feel like there are two separate individuals living in his single body. But if he is being honest too, he is definitely being weird. Since when did he chase after a girl like her? "Since when did I ever chase after any girl for that matter?" He runs his hands through his hair, leaving it a bit ruffled. This is probably the weirdest thing he has ever done. Running after someone who clearly didn't even want to be followed. "I mean I am Brendan Bachmann, girls flock to me not the other way round." He smirks but even that smirk quickly fades away when his surrounding reminds him of the reality. This day has really been something. And as weird as it has been he has had the most fun. Something about her excites him. He is not sure if its her fiery attitude or the fact that she is not drawn to him like they all are. Or maybe its the amazing taste of her lips. That thought works like a reset button. "Girls fall at my feet. Never the other way round. Maybe that's enough fun for one day." He says with gritted teeth as he remembers who he is supposed to be. The king bows to no one and he definitely begs no one. He looks back to the door where his mystery girl just walked through and he smirks before reaching for his phone. He switches on his location and checks exactly where he is. He frowns when he realizes that he has absolutely no idea what this place is. He is pretty sure he has never heard of it before too. He decides to send his location to Cooper, knowing very well that Nate probably has his hands full. A cheeky smile crosses his lips as he hopes his friend had better luck than him. He quickly makes a call while he imagines what their hook up man may be up to. "Hey yoh Cooper, come get me. I just texted you my location." He says to his wing man that picked up his call on the first ring. He cuts the call before even getting a reply. He is not ready for Cooper's questions yet, which he is sure are in the thousands already. He instead walks to the edge of the road and takes a seat on the pavement. This position sets him right in front of Natalie's house. He finds himself smiling when he realizes that this trip wasn't a waste after all. His head suddenly lights up with thoughts to entertain himself. "I like her." His father's words makes him smile even more. Maybe his plan didn't go as he hoped it would, but there is always a next time and a next time and a next. Before long, Cooper's pick up truck comes into view and he smiles. The guy looks too small for the huge machine but that's just Cooper. His fascination with big vehicles runs deep in his veins and no one in their circle has been able to understand it. "Did someone call for a ride?" Cooper fakes making an announcement to the entire neighbourhood before looking down at him. "Get your butt in here man, that pavement doesn't suit you." Cooper finally says after eyeing him with amusement. "What happened to you man?" Cooper asks the moment he gets in the truck, obviously still amused. "Don't even start." Brendan answers with gritted teeth. He knows what Cooper is talking about but he is not ready to talk about that. "At least tell me this much, did she kick you out or what?" "Oh what." Brendan replies flatly. He and Cooper maybe friends but it doesn't make confessing to a failure any easier. "Oh man!" Cooper exclaims obviously extremely amused by the turn of events. "You got yourself a tough nut finally." He hits his steering wheel in excitement. "Tough nut?" Brendan raises an eyebrow at Cooper. "Oh please, you know what I mean." Cooper rolls his eyes at him. "Do tell, coz I don't follow" Brendan says nonchalantly as he reaches for a bowl of mints before popping one in his mouth. If there is one thing he enjoys, it's indulging Cooper in his conversations and theories. "It's just exciting to finally find one who..what can I say?" Cooper pauses as he appears to be thinking. "Someone who doesn't exactly melt at your feet or isn't willing to kiss them for that matter." "Huh." That stings a little but he won't let Cooper see that. After all as king of Blackwood high, damsels falling at his feet is one of the beauty about the throne. But as usual, Cooper is not wrong after all. And he's got to agree with him too. Natalie's definitely a tough nut, but that is what makes her interesting. "Interestingly hot. Somewhere under all that." He bites into his mint and breathes in a mouthful of air that goes to cool his rising body temperature. "May be this year is gonna be great after all." He thinks to himself before poping one more mint into his mouth and relishing its cool minty taste. "Hey man, are you still here?" Cooper nudges him and that brings him out of his thoughts. "Yeah, what's up?" "Wait..did you just zone out on me man?" Cooper sounds exersperated but Brendan knows he is just exaggerating. "Why does it matter?" Brendan answers nonchalantly. "Ooh the guys should hear about this." Cooper exclaims but Brendan just rolls his eyes before leaning back on his seat comfortably. He is very aware that today and the next few days he will be the subject of the den, so getting upset about it will just frustrate him even more. It's better to let every one have their fun and be done with it. "So forgive me for asking, but is she like a candidate for the black book now?" Cooper asks while his eyes switch between Brendan and the road ahead. "I haven't decided yet." Brendan answers. A wicked grin slowly graces his lips. "Let's just say, I hope Miss Brown's little shell is tough enough to keep me from cracking it.
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