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Amara's pov "Don't pop it!" Rose swatted my hands which I had placed before me. My phone which I held for reflection purposes fell to my lap but the other hand still somewhat hovered before my face, my fingers etched to carry out my original intent. I ignored her words and pulled my fingers closer to my face lightly grazing the swollen whitish-headed bump, "Don't!" She hit my hand and I gave up this time with a sigh escaping my lips and my hand joining the other on my lap. "They shouldn't be popped, Amara." She leaned back against the car seat, "They will leave scars on your face, and you know, multiply." She said her last statement gesturing at her face trying to make me see her scars and more Zits popping up. But that didn't matter to me, I had them too. Despite the general knowledge that bursting them is bad, I still couldn't resist the urge to pop a ripe-headed zit on my face, and ugh! The satisfaction that came with it was terrific. I gave her a slight pinch on the arm before leaning back onto my seat to enjoy the ride. We were currently in New york's most famous borough which could also be addressed as the synonym of New York. It was the bearer of the big Apple. Manhattan. I turned towards the car window. My eyes peered through the glass gazing at the streets. My heart warmed at the familiar surroundings I gazed upon reminding me of why I had picked this part of Manhattan. Greenwich gave me exactly the vibe I loved to see as I did not lean into modern things more often, especially modern architecture. The narrow streets, old houses, brownstone buildings, and quaint shops were all pleasing to me. These things made me fall in love with it when I first came here and it was the only option I had when asked to choose where I wanted to be situated. The Car came to a halt signifying the end of the ride. The chauffeur had us parked before a hotel. I didn't wait for him to get to the door as I had already hoped down due to the excitement coursing through me. Woah! Calm down! Cora giggled as the sole of my red sneakers crunched against the gravel. I laughed at her remark, my eyes assessing the white stoned building before me. It was the hotel we are to occupy for the time being. It was huge and built with the historic architecture that I loved so much. It had a resemblance to the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel and I so wanted to sprint toward the revolving door and begin to explore its interiors. Rose and I got into the hotel with the porter taking our luggage and striding behind us. We were directed to the reception where the boys were already waiting for us. Liam, my bodyguard, Cornell, and Mark were our friends from the pack. They had gone ahead of us as decided on by my parents to mask our movements if there were to be any attacks. It didn't take long before we were checked and were helped to settle in. I walked into our suite marveling at the decor. It was better than I had imagined and it truly felt like home. I made my way through the ante-room to my room while Rose went to hers. There was a Queen's bed with a canopy just like the one I had back home and the plush covers and well placed pillows looked inviting to my worn-out joints but I skipped the diving into the bed part and walked straight to the balcony. I stood on the balcony with the soft wind caressing my tresses, the scent of the rose flowers used to decorate it wafting through my nostrils, and a view of the town's skyline widening across the reddened horizon meeting my gaze. It was truly a sight to behold and I stood there for a while watching the sunset and listening to the voices coming from the street till it became dark that only the lights from the buildings illuminated the atmosphere. And that was when I felt it or rather him. That same feeling of dread crept up my spine. He was watching me, he followed me here and waited till it got dark. My breath quickened and my anxiety heightened but it wasn't enough to pull me away from my spot. It wasn't enough to scream for Rose or Liam. I couldn't even do it if I tried as he would stop me just like the last time. But at least, I had the willpower to step away from here, go back to my room, and keep mute. I could leave and go down for dinner where he wouldn't be able to attack me if he wanted to. Well, f*****g move! Cora gritted, I am having the chills, move unless you want me to take over and do it for you. I will not let you get us killed. He isn't all that dangerous, I rolled my eyes at her, You are being overly dramatic and if he wanted to kill us, he would have done it since! Oh, suddenly, the demon attack that forced us here and his threatening text has been wiped off from history, She growled at me. Do you think it's a vampire? Naah babes, She sighed, It's a weregoat. He is the Alpha of the were goats and his ferocious bleats are really threatening and….why was I paired with you again? Shut up, Cora! I blocked her out and just then I felt a presence behind me. It was him. He was so close that I was sure if I stepped back I would crash against his form. I wanted to turn around but I couldn't, I desperately wanted to see if he was there for real or it was just his ghostly presence as usual I moved forward and he followed. This time he was closer, so close, I felt the hairs at the back of my neck stand as fear overcame me. I tightened my fists absorbing his overwhelming presence, leaning into his compelling aura. I could feel him breathing down on me, his hot breath fanning my neck further arousing my curiosity over my fear. I felt the red rose stuck in my hair being pulled out followed by its crushed petals falling before me, wow! It was as if he just showed me what he would do, how he would crush me if he wanted to. My breath tightened as I felt my hair being pulled from my back to the side. What felt like fingers caressed my neck before enclosing around it and I gulped fearing that he would squeeze further which was enough to strangle me. I would have to fight if he did squeeze but my lesson on fighting invisible creatures was filled with drooling over a shirtless Liam, paying less attention to my mother's movements and father's words. I had learnt nothing. I was f****d. I tried to move further, I tried to walk away from him but he held me in place, his grip tightening a bit but still not enough to cause harm, "Let me go!" I screamed struggling against him. "Who is holding you?" I heard Rose's voice and almost immediately, his grip on me was released and he vanished. I couldn't feel his presence anymore nor could I feel his touch. I whipped around to see my best friend leaning against the balcony entrance staring at me like I was some crazy woman, "Did you see that? Did you see him?" I asked in a panic rushing toward her, "Did y-" "There was no one Amara." Her brows were furrowed as she leaned off the wall and took strides to join me halfway, "You have been standing there staring into space." "But t-" "You know what." She clasped her hands around my shoulder and pulled me closer to her, "You are famished and drained from the trip." She began to lead me towards the entrance and back into the room, "You need to eat and rest, plus there is no clubbing tonight." She led me back into the room and walked off to call room service while grumbling about how much she wanted to go clubbing tonight but she can't leave me in this state. I sat on the bed with my fingers around my throat. I could still feel the impact of his touch and I wondered if he would have strangled me to death if he hadn't changed his mind. If you want to try out the strangling theory at least let me transport from your body and get paired with a sheep. I rolled my eyes at Cora and stood up from the bed. Rose still wasn't back yet and so I stalked over to the oriel window and sat by it. My gaze trailed to the streets watching as people walked past going about their nocturnal businesses when something caught my eye. He was seated on a park bench by the sidewalk. His back was turned to me with his head bent showing his hair that I could never miss. Half of it as white as snow, the other as dark as midnight just as I remembered. The length of his hair fell over his broad shoulders which were hunched over like he was tired. Tired from carrying too much than he could bear, Are you pitying someone that tried to kill you?! My subconscious snapped at me but I pushed the little voice aside and continued to stare. I could make out the form of his back, the way his lean muscles stretched against the black shirt and how laid back and tense they were. I could see and feel that he was tired and a feeling of pity towards him settled in me, He almost killed you! I swallowed at the remainder. I shouldn't have pity towards this man. He looks tired and lonely. I can almost feel the sadness radiating from him, I voiced out to Cora not being able to help myself. Go give him a hug then, She snorted, maybe Free therapy sessions too and a royal princessy kiss to make him feel better and while at it you could have a dozen kids for him. Her sarcastic words didn't pull my attention from him and I continued to watch intently. Out from a corner, a little kid crossed the street and headed towards him. I was alarmed. I shot up from my seat and plastered myself against the window wanting to scream at the kid to beware. I watched as he stood before him with an outstretched hand obviously seeking alms and my heart squeezed at how brutal he could be with the kid if he decided to be the cruel person that I knew he was. But, something else happened. I saw his head raising slightly and his arms flexing a bit and the next thing that followed warmed my heart. He pressed something in the kid's jutted palm and from the smile on his face I could tell that it was a lot. The young boy smiled again as he stared at his palm before skipping away into the night with the assurance of a warm meal, all thanks to the person that was after my life. I didn't know what to think. He tried to kill me and literally makes my life unbearable but there was a flicker of kindness in him, What if he is kind only to track him down and feed on his blood later? Or what if he's just nice? He can't be nice, he tried to kill you! My thoughts were over the place for a creature who attempted to murder me just because he was nice to a kid whom he might prey on later. I heard my phone ping and I reluctantly dragged myself from my spot and towards it. I picked it up from the bed and unlocked it to read the message. Unknown: You like to watch, snyek? I read the text and felt my cheeks flaming in embarrassment. He knew I had watched him for so long and the shame I felt at the moment couldn't let me walk back to the window but I did anyways. His back was pleasing to gaze upon at least and Cora grunted at my thought. I got to the window and was about to peer out again when Rose entered with the room service. Their chatter distracted me and I looked towards them. "I figured you'd like to have dinner in here." Rose spoke to me as she directed the hotel staff on where to set the food. I muttered a thank you to her with a light smile before looking out the window again but he was gone, the seat was empty and I couldn't even feel his overwhelming presence or gaze. Everything around me suddenly felt too quiet despite the loud chatter of my best friend and the hotel personnel.
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