1054 Words

Lycus's pov "Nyx..." Her name left my lips in a soft Call as a smile formed on them, "Nyx." I called again but she didn't stop screaming. She sat up on the bed clawing at me as I tried to hold her still. She suddenly became stronger as she trashed around the bed. "Get away from me!" She yelled not being able to meet my eye, "Leave me alone!" "Nyx, it's me Lycus." I pleaded softly with her as I tried to avoid her hits, "Calm down please." The doors opened and in came Xerxes, My mother, Willow, Andros, and Amara. They rushed into the room looking horrified as her screams increased. Just then she slipped away from my grasp, rushed over to Amara, picked her up, and ran to the corner of the room. She clutched onto Amara tightly as she gave us threatening looks, "Stay away from me." She yel

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