1236 Words

Trigger warning ⚠️: suicide. Let's proceed: Nyx's pov. My body moved on it's own accord. With a heavy heart and blurry vision I drew my seat backwards, stood up and ran out of the dining hall. Their voices and laughter faded away as I got farther away from them. The stabbing feeling in my chest worsened as I remembered every word she had said, as I remembered how Lycus had ignored me. I tried to fight the tears from slipping out but It was almost impossible. He lied, I blinked my eyes. He used me, I squeezed them shut. Andros was right, A tear slipped. I got to my room heaving gravely as the tears began to fall uncontrollably. The pain was just too much, I couldn't take it. Why did I have to go through so much pain? What have I done to deserve all these? Why? Why? Why? Why me?

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