Captive of the Count

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"We are enemies." "That doesn't stop me from possessing you." He breathed and every word he whispered later on sent chills down my spine, "You are mine, Amara. From the pale blonde strands of your hair to your faded nail-polished toes. Every breath you take is mine. Not excluding the freckles dusting your cheeks to the pimples on your face. Your misery is mine, which I shall bring upon you myself. From your giggles to your random nonsensical chatter, I own them! Your darn strawberry moments are mine. Every drop of blood that flows through your veins belongs to me and so does your last breath when I snuff life out of you, watching as your pretty green eyes lose their shine and your heartbeat goes dull beneath my palm." His hand traveled to my neck, fingers lacing around it, and he squeezed a bit, "Who do you belong to?" He asked capturing my ear lobe between his lips and I shivered. "Myself and you can't have me!" I swung my head back and crashed it against his, sending him reeling backward. I wonder if he always forgets that we can fight like equals, "I will be the one snuffing life out of you." **************** You have got to let your loved ones know what's happening with you' Amara snow Dardanos learns this the hard way when her perfect world is crushed by a secret she kept away from her family. Orian Wolfe Akanther, one of the leaders of the underworld is given the task of taking the werewolf princess as vengeance for the injustice and treachery done to his kind. The plan was simple, to take her, watch her family and kind crumble beneath his finger tips and then kill her but that plan seems to foil when his nonexistent heart leans towards her and he is at the risk of breaking a blood oath. _______________ Hello again, my lovely readers❤ Here is Amara's story as I promised and I am super excited to start it and share it with y'all. This is my first Vampire romance and I will try my best to make it good? fingers crossed? Trigger warnings: - This is a dark romance- Swear language -super mature and steamy content -Gory themes and bloodshed -Degrading kink -BDSM -Abuse -CNC/Dubcon(Consensual non-consent/Dubious consent) -blood play -chase play -Knife play -Primal kink -Stockholm syndrome(Captor trope) -Daddy kink -breeding kink(mild tho) -An innocent and sheltered FL (And if I am exploring other kinks which I plan on doing, I shall indicate as we go on.) Please if you are not comfortable reading any of these or you don't like these types of books don't go further and don't report my book❤ With that being said, let's go?? And again Emphasis on the "READ THE TRIGGER WARNINGS" Prologue - Amara Amara's pov "Once upon a land under the deity of the moon goddess where men were wolves and wolves were men..." "But they still are..." Iris groaned as always, staring at me with her eyes twinkling with mischief. I smirked and brandished my makeshift wooden sword before her making her squeal with pretend fright, "I surrender! I surrender!" She cried out with her arms raised in the air earning a smirk from me. "There lived three most powerful wolves in the supernatural world, they were called the potens lupi!" I continued, emphasizing my last words, "Two were born brought to the world at first, their fates tied together, the grey wolf and the red wolf, one born with a heart of gold, the other was the spawn of the devil! A b***h from the pits of hell!" I growled remembering how she had ruined my childhood. "Bad words Amara, mummy said no bad words," Eros said looking up from his entwined fingers which he had been twisting, an attitude long developed. "Fine." I rolled my eyes and silently pleaded for them to let me continue the story which they have heard numerous times but I always found a way to tell it differently making it seem like a brand new story, "The red wolf who was filled with unnecessary angst, treachery, jealousy, and spite. All these attributes were driven by her power-drunk attitude, she thought that there should be no one more powerful than her and thus! She murdered her mate!" They all gasped, "And crafted falsehood with her magic thereby ruining the life of the silver wolf which was the last wolf, deceiving the entire supernaturals and letting evil prevail." "Then what happened?!" Iris bounced excitedly making me smile, "Tell us, tell us, tell us!" "The silver wolf survived no matter the hardship thrown at her, she lived through the pain never giving up." I jumped on the bed this time acting out my demonstrations as I told the tale, "She survived it all, rising from weak to strong, from an omega to a Queen defeating the evil hybrid which was the red wolf and then from a detested wolf to the leader of the wolves council and now she is the greatest wolf to ever grace the lands of the supernaturals!" My breathing was heightening as I acted out my words raising my sword, "She is Queen Nyx Evander!" "And also your admirable mother." Rose winked cutting in, "And my Godmother." She added standing up from the chair on which she was seated, "And she is standing right at the door ready to scold you for the trick you pulled on my dad this morning." She glared at me saying her last words. "Mummy!" Eros scrambled from the floor and ran towards the door. I turned with all nervousness to see my mother standing at the door welcoming Eros into her open arms, Iris was also there to get a big hug from her Godmother. "Mum." I grimaced hiding my makeshift sword behind me even though I knew she had seen it, "How lovely it is to see you..." I added nervously stepping down from the bed. I could already hear Rose giggling as I shifted on my feet and I sent her a scowl but the clearing of my mum's throat brought me back to her. She was leaning against the doorway with her arms crossed over her chest and her green eyes glowering with anger, "Where were you earlier today?" She asked probably already knowing the answer to that and I knew there was no use in avoiding the question or trying to lie, "Excuse us." She said to the other occupants of the room while bending to give Eros a goodbye kiss. Rose sent me a sad look before grabbing onto her sister's hand (Iris) and onto Eros's and they walked out of the room leaving my mother and me. "Amara." She sighed walking up to my bed to sit and then she patted the spot next to her indicating that I should move to join her. "I am sorry mummy." I sat next to her wrapping my arms around her in a hug while pleading with her through the mind link to forgive me, "I am sorry I disobeyed your orders and daddy's too and outsmarted uncle Andros to go across the borders." "We are only trying to protect you." She lifted my arms off her body and held them, "I was your age when I had you, young and naive. I couldn't be the best mother and I put us in conditions where I could have lost you." I nodded at her words, she didn't need to remind me of those sad times we had, I remembered clearly, "But now, I am matured and I have everything within my power to protect you and your brother, please don't put yourself in danger, the war brought us too many enemies." She added looking into my eyes with her pleading orbs. "But the vampires are extinct mum, there is nothing to fear," I whined not fully understanding why they were so scared. "Helena crossed a lot of people, not just the vampires, them being extinct doesn't mean we do not have to be careful and unfortunately, we inherited her enemies." She explained further, "Please Amara listen to us." "Okay." I nodded with a sigh giving up my plans of exploring the northern parts of the forest later that night, "I will do as you say." "You had better." My dad's voice caught our attention as he walked into the room, "Your mother complained often of how I cut heads, we wouldn't want a repeat of that if something was to happen to you." He got to where we were and swooped down to kiss my mum, "Hey baby." "How was patrol?" She asked standing up to hug him, "Hope it was fine?" "Stressful as usual." He replied hugging her close, "But having my mate in my arms at the end of the day is all I need to forget however bad my day was." I smiled at their lovey-dovey blatant affection and in the corner of my heart I wished to have that someday, "And you have been getting into trouble?" He growled at me furrowing his brows and I gave a tight-lipped smile. "It won't happen again," I said quickly and he pulled me closer draping his arm across my shoulders. "Make sure it doesn't my dear." He sighed, "You nearly gave your mother a coronary and almost earned Andros a demotion." I winced slightly feeling sorry as I heard his words, "We are only trying to protect you." "I promise, it won't happen again." I said with all determination to keep my promise, "Am I forgiven?" "We can never be angry at you for too long." She said bringing me closer for a hug which my dad joined in. "I want a hug too." We heard Eros squeal as he ran into the room with his face smeared with chocolate. "Come here, my boy." He ran into my father's arms and he was picked up, all four of us standing wrapped in each other's arms with sighs of delight and I was glad knowing that I had them around me, it made up for the terrible start my mother and I had. "You should get dressed Amara, the guests will soon arrive." My mother said pulling away from us and the rest of us disengaged, "We all have to get ready." She picked up Eros and kissed me on the cheek, "Please be snappy about it, a good princess never associates with tardiness." "Yes, your highness." I did a mock bow causing the rest of us to laugh. My dad kissed me on the cheek too and they all left the room leaving me to myself. It wasn't long before the door opened and maids trooped in with my outfits and accessories for the night, getting ready to doll me up for the event, I sat on my chair patiently with my heart bubbling with excitement as I was being dressed for my sixteenth birthday. ________ I stood before the mirror admiring my reflection which was my favorite thing to do but not enough to make me a narcissist. I smiled taking in my appearance, satisfied with what the maids had done and I knew my thank yous weren't enough. My blonde hair was done in a lace braided bun with my emerald studded crown sitting atop it. My face was made up accentuating my features and my rosy lips were rogued making the lips a deeper shade of red. I had on a red gown with a heart-shaped neck, corseted bodice which was tight enough to snatch my waist but loosened enough for me to breathe, and then it was completed with an elegant flare at the hips. I did a mini twirl in front of the mirror and moved next to my pair of white heels to put them on when I heard shuffling from my bathroom. Can you hear that? I asked my wolf Cora moving to the bathroom immediately and she replied in the affirmative, I turned the knob and opened the door and then I jumped in with my extracted claws ready to attack but there was no one in there and everything looked the same, smelt the same. I looked around the big bathroom and turned to leave when my eyes caught inscriptions on the bathroom mirror, fear coursed through me and I began to tremble as I let out a piercing screech. Immediately I screamed I could hear the thudding of feet and I could smell my parents. Ideally, I was supposed to open the bathroom door and let them in but the other part of me that felt a thrill and was excited about the present situation jumped towards the door, jammed it, and rested my back on it. Do not do anything stupid, Amara! Cora groaned and at the same time, my subconscious pricked me. My head wanted me to spill what just happened but my heart wanted to remain in here with the door shut and my rush of excitement filled to the brim, Open that door, Amara! Cora screamed at me this time but I blocked her off. There was something about fear that got me, something about the rushing adrenaline and the need to be alert that excited me to no end and this was the perfect situation. "Is everything okay in there?!" My parents asked at the same time banging on the door, "Are you okay Amara?" "Yes, I am." I answered them with a light laugh, "I just saw a cockroach and it freaked me out." "I chose not to believe that you saw a cockroach, open the door!" "I am telling the truth!" I felt really bad for lying to them, "I will be downstairs soon." After standing my ground for a while and demanding that I needed privacy, they all left to leave me alone in the bathroom. I sighed and looked at the mirror again, the words boldly written with blood, I didn't want to know whose blood that was and some of it was dripping to the cabinet top. I am watching you! I gulped reading the words again and I knew I could run out and tell them what had happened but then I decided against it and cleaned the mirror, maybe it was a prank! I told myself as I dropped the rag in the trash can and walked out of the bathroom. It must be a silly prank pulled by rose and my other friends. I took in deep breaths as I walked to the dresser in my room with fear absorbing my being. I was about to put on my shoes when I saw another note on the dresser top. I picked it up and read its contents. Scream all you want and yell! Act smart too but nothing will save you from me. Just then the door opened and I shoved the piece of paper aside. It was my mother, "Are you unwell Amara?" She asked as I turned to her, "You look flushed." My breathing was also hard with my heaving chest. "It's nothing mother." I smiled at her and bent over to wear my shoes, "Let's go downstairs, the guests are probably waiting." I wanted to get out of the room as soon as possible. "You are hiding something from us." She sighed and I gazed at her with a look of pretending unbelief, "Amara you cannot hide things from your loved ones, you saw how I endangered our lives in the past cause of secrecy, not speaking up, and not opening up to my mate." "It's nothing." I said to her, "I promise not to keep secrets." I smiled taking her hand in mine, "Let's go downstairs." She took mine without argument and we began to leave the room but my eyes never missed the shadow looming over my room balcony. I turned around in shock trying to catch who it was and then it disappeared. "What is that?" My mother asked noticing how hard I was breathing again and she didn't miss my fleeting eyes looking all over the place, "Amara." She groaned and let go of me. I couldn't stop her as she walked over to the balcony to check only to find it empty. "You see nothing is there." I shrugged as she came back with disappointment written all over her. We held hands again and began to walk out of the room. I cast one last gaze back at the balcony and it was there again, the shadow prominent as ever. I gulped, I should scream and tell them. This wasn't a damn prank, it was real, someone is after my life and I did the opposite of what I should do. I kept mute knowing fully well that if I did my life will be endangered. And I did keep mute, I had just created my doom.
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