1451 Words

Nyx's pov. Those five letter words hit me like a ton of bricks as jealousy tore through me. I looked at him to see that he was blowing his cheeks out as if internally rehearsing for what was to come next. His head was bent low and his outstretched legs were now drawn up to his torso area with his hands gripping his knees tightly. I wanted to steer him to continue but I decided to let him do it at his own pace. "I was eighteen at the time and vigorously training to take over the throne from my father." He continued, "So few days after my eighteenth birthday, I had begun to worry about not finding my mate cause other wolves of the same age grade as mine had." I watched him as he talked finding his present composure utterly alluring. It was like getting to see the vulnerable side of my cr

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