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Nyx's POV Mate? I questioned staring at the huge black wolf taking in his scent as he watched us intently. Mate! Hera wagged her tail in excitement and instantly dashed towards him. Hera no! I tried to stop her but it was too late, she had reached him now, he was much taller and huger than we were and she moved closer to him nuzzling his neck with ours. Sparks! We felt them as our furs met and Hera purred in pleasure, I could sense the wolf tense and the other warriors growl watching us. "Back down mutt!" The huge wolf barked at us causing us to whimper in shock and withdraw away from him. What is going on? He's our mate! Hera sobbed, he hates us? What is happening again Nyx? I don't know, I said to her as I saw his dark house blaze with anger. He snarled at us causing Hera to jump back again and then he began to pace towards us menacingly with his snarls worsening. He was very close to us and got us cornered near a tree when he stopped and looked like he was fighting within himself, "Shift mutt!" He growled. Hera growled back at him not minding the powerful aura coming from him. What the hell are you doing? Challenging him? He would kill us! I attacked her as I knew he would be extra powerful and it seems like we were playing with death if we disobeyed. I had never experienced such an aura before. "I said Shift!" He snarled at us again and I forcefully took over Hera and shifted into my human form. He looked at me as I hid my face and tried to shield my nudity from him but I knew the other wolves there couldn't see me cause he was blocking me from their view. "Your face!" He growled, "I want to see it!" I removed my hands coyly and watched as his eyes raked over my entire form and I felt very insecure and ugly knowing how my body looked like. He doesn't want us, Hera howled in pain. No one wants us Hera, I told her, No one. "Shift back!" He barked again turning his face away from me and I shifted back into my wolf form feeling really hurt that he turned. I understood. I was too ugly and displeasing to look at, Alpha Titan had always said that. If I was pretty and had nice unscarred skin, Alpha Titan would have wanted me and treated me right. Even this present mate of mine whom I didn't know his name would have too. If I was beautiful, he would have Nuzzled us back and not bark at us like we were some abomination. Cora ran up to where we were and we all watched as the huge majestic black wolf went back to what seemed like his pack members. They all bowed as he reached them except one in particular. It was a white wolf and I knew she was female. She walked over to him prancing proudly and jealousy and hurt washed over Hera and I as she touched paws with him, he Nuzzled her and what seemed to be a grin appeared on her face before she stepped back. He stood there and it looked like he was mind linking them and after a long while they nodded and began to move towards us. The huge black wolf didn't follow, he just turned taking one last look at us before howling and sprinting into the other side of the forest and disappearing into darkness. "You are coming with us filthy rouge!" The white wolf growled at us and Hera stepped back but that didn't do anything. They continued advancing towards us, "Step back one more time and I will end you and that miserable looking pup of yours!" Cora whined hiding beneath us. We didn't take any other step either toward or backwards. They moved to us barking out orders for us to move, we couldn't do anything than to obey and we followed them blindly as they led us to where we knew not. We walked for a very long time and the night only got darker. We never stopped to rest, surprisingly these wolves looked like they hadn't even gone through a very rigorous journey. Hera tried to catch up with them. Her paws were getting weaker and they had cuts as she had stepped on thorns in a bid to catch up with them. She stepped into another thorn and howled in pain. "Move mutt!" The same white she-wolf looked back at us with a growl, "Move!" Cora whined at her harshness. She was beside us and was having it hard it. "Silence that pup of yours or I will give her something to whine about!" She barked at us causing Cora to yelp. We continued the journey and soon we reached a field with neatly mowed grass, something told me that we were nearing the pack house. We got into the field and began passing through it and soon a large castle like house came into my view. As we got closer, the house became bigger and I could see other houses scattered around it but they were small compared to the one that caught my attention. We continued and soon we were very close to the big house now. "Stop!" The white she-wolf ordered and turned towards us and then the other wolfs nodded at her which she returned equally. She casted a very mean glance in my direction before sprinting off into the other direction. Some of the wolves left too and we were left with two other she-wolves. They led us through a path that took us behind the building and when we got there, we were taken down a narrow passage way and I knew instantly that we were being led to the cells. What do you think they are going to do with us? I asked Hera as we moved following their lead, and do you think he's going to reject us? I don't know what they will do with us but I do know that I can't stand anymore torture, we were barely hours free from Alpha Titan's clutches only to land in a deeper mess, She said, and as for our mate, I don't know what he's going to do but when I rubbed against him, I sensed acceptance before resentment, I don't know if he going to reject us Nyx, I am so pained and broken cause when I sensed him, I thought we would be free and finally happy only to see that he hates us too and he might be worse than our ex mate. I listened intently to Hera, she had let out all she felt in one breath and I had nothing to say to her that would comfort her as I was going through the same pain myself. We were led into a room and the two wolves shifted and put their clothes on before commanding us to shift. We shifted and got our sacks flung at us. I immediately dressed Amara and handed her fluffy to calm her down as she was on the verge of tears before putting on some clothes my self. After we did that, they took us to our cell and we passed by lots of cells filled with rogues and maybe people who crossed the Alpha. They all looked haggard and shifty. I noticed that the cells on the same row had a bit of distance between them but you could see the occupants of the adjacent cells. Amara and I were taken to the cell at the very end of the row and pushed into it, the cell bars were slammed shut and locked. I watched as the two female warriors left us. I collapsed to the ground immediately due to weakness after I had laid Amara on the thin bed which was in the cell. I wanted so badly to cry but I couldn't, I had no strength for tears anymore. The wounds all over my body ached and were still bleeding profusely, the tedious journey we had to go through to get here only made it worse. Hera, I tried reaching out to my wolf, can you heal us? No, She whined, I am too weak after everything, I will need a lot of time. I nodded at her mentally and cut off the connection. I looked over to the bed to see that Amara had fallen fast asleep with fluffy still clutched in her hand. I lay there on the floor wondering what exactly was going on in my life. I had so many questions. Did the moon goddess hate me this much? Why am I the cursed silver wolf? Why do I get a second chance mate only to be unwanted again? Who is he? What pack is this? Is he a very terrible Alpha? Will he reject me or be worse than Alpha Titan? Will I ever actually find happiness like I always dreamt off? I wish I had immediate answers to the questions bugging me as I laid there thinking about my situation. I am sorry Hera, I whispered. What for? She asked. I am sorry that you are stuck with a pathetic human like me who no one wants, I sniffed, you deserve better. Shut up Nyx, She said and I could tell that she rolled her eyes, I love that you are my human and you are much more than you think, go to sleep please, we need the strength for later as they might decide to torture us. I nodded at her words and decided to close my eyes hoping to slip into Slumber's embrace. ___________ I was awoken by a noise and I sat up to see a figure standing I front of the cell with a plate In one hand and a bottle of water in the other. The light streaming from the window indicated that it was already dawn. "Well, are you just going to sit there looking like a lost fool?" The person before my cell said highly irritated, "Come get this thing out of my hands, I have got other things to do than to serve a good plate to a rouge!" She spat and threw the bottled water into the cell. I instantly scrambled up and grabbed the plate as she slid it under the bars harshly causing sand particles to enter as the action roused dust. "Don't know why I got to feed that stupid rouge!" I heard her mutter as she stomped away angrily causing murmur amongst the other inmates. I took the plate up and looked at it's contents. It was meat soup and a very meaty soup at that made my stomach grumble in delight. I had never seen a more appetizing food being served to me in my entire life and it smelled heavenly too. It was filled with meat and I could hardly see the liquid in the bowl. Amara would love this! I smiled to myself as I set aside the bowl to go wake her up. I walked to the bed and touched her lightly, she awoke with a yawn and rubbed her eyes without opening them. "I had a very bad dream mommy that we were put in a cell and…" She stopped talking as she realised that It was never a dream and that we were actually in a cell and with that she erupted in tears. "It's okay baby." I drew her close in a hug, "Don't cry love, it will be okay." "Will we ever be happy?" She sobbed. "They brought food." I said to her avoiding her question as I didn't have an answer for it. "Meat." She smiled excitedly as I set the bowl before her. She didn't waste time in gobbling up everything leaving me with nothing. I wasn't bothered with that, I was used to the hunger and I had to make sure that my baby was well fed. After the very early breakfast, we sat down on the bed huddled together silently awaiting our fate when we heard a familiar voice spewing curses and feet being stomped angrily. She reached my cell and slid some blankets under it with a frown, "I do not know when rouges started being wonderfully cared for." She said in a low mumble before storming off. I got off from the bed and moved to take the blankets. They were very soft and furry although thin, we could use them, not like we had any where we came from. "A rouge prisoner being treated like a princess!" I heard a voice snort and I looked up to see it came from the cell opposite me, I couldn't see who was in it well enough but I knew that it was a male's voice, "You must be a special one." The person continued and this time around, he stood up and walked over to his cell bars. I could see his dirty face now with a mass of dirty blonde hair adorning his head. "I am not special." I mumbled, "Who are you?" "A prisoner just like you only that I haven't found favor with the king as you had seemed to have done." "What king are you talking about?" I looked at him like he had grown extra heads, surely he didn't know what he was talking about. "The king of course." He snorted, "You are playing games with me right?" "No…" I shook my head, "Where am I please? Where is this place?" "This is the Blackmoon pack." He explained, "It's headed by the Alpha King." "What Alpha King?" I was stunned not knowing what he was talking about. "You know, the fearless, the courageous." He snorted again, "Lycus Dardanos, the Alpha and also the Alpha king, King of all Alphas." "What's he like?" I asked taking my seat on the bed next to Amara, I have heard of the Alpha king before but I had never met him. "I don't know." He shrugged, "Intense black eyes and his wolf is a black wolf, very huge!" Gleaming dark eyes! Black huge wolf! The words reeled in my head as the man kept talking but I couldn't hear him anymore as realisation had just downed on me that I was in the territory of the Alpha King who so happened to be my mate.
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