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Nyx's Pov I groaned in pain as I got hit against the wall, the pain tore through my back and I could swear that I felt my posterior bones crack. I opened my eyes trying to see as the light had began to fade away a bit. I looked to my side to see Amara still snuggled in deep sleep which left me wondering how she could sleep through all the commotion. "Are you okay?" Lycus's voice pulled my gaze away from Amara and it trailed to him. He was getting up on his feet which meant that he had taken a fall too, "Are you hurt?" He asked again and I saw something flash in his eyes, worry? I was too stunned to answer as I never expected him to actually care about how I felt. The worry in his voice and eyes was quickly gone and he looked away from me towards the direction of the source of light and I followed suit. It seemed that all the streams and streaks of light that faded away had amassed into a huge mass of light and in the middle, a hole was suddenly created and out of the hole came another gush of wind, this time it was gentle, it actually swept through my hair caressing the tresses and out stepped a woman. Immediately I laid eyes on her, I suddenly felt insecure and embarrassed. I knew I could never look like her, that's why no one would ever want me. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. She had long luscious brown hair that was waist length. Her skin was caramel toned and literally glowed. She had an oval shaped face with the cutest yet most sensual features and her eyes were of a pale colored red which got me to know that she was a witch. She wore a very sheer gown that hung to her every curve. She wasn't sickly thin unlike me, she had an ample bosom, a very tiny waist and full flared hips. She was simply gorgeous and I looked down at myself and tears began to flow knowing that I would never ever look like that. Her skin glowed unlike mine that was bloody and covered with marks and she had a very attractive figure while I was skinny more than skinny with my bones sticking out. "What are you doing here fay?" I heard my mate speak, even her name is beautiful just like her, I sighed. "Why do you sound like you are not happy to see me?" She said with a pout as her feet touched the ground, even her voice was wonderful, "Don't you miss me love?" love? How dare she call him love? Hera growled in my head, let me out, I will rip her throat! calm down Hera, I said to her, it's not like he wants us, I do not get why you are agitated. Of course, I got why she was agitated. I was filled with jealousy myself, she literally just called my mate love and I was curious about the relationship between them. "Fay…" He sighed, "What do you want?" "A little birdie told me you have found your mate." She smirked walking closer to my cell, "I came to see for myself, Where is she?" She asked. "How did you find me?" Lycus asked her with a bored look on his face, "And how is all these any of your concern?" "I found you how I have always find you my love, I am no witch for a reason besides all of these concerns me after all I wouldn't want anyone coming close to my man." She placed a lot of emphasis on the last part of her sentence and I was hurt beyond reason as i wondered if he was sleeping with her. Lycus snorted. "Where is she?" She asked getting closer to the cell, "Oh, there she is." Her eyes found mine as she was very close now and standing next to my mate, "She looks awful." I bowed my head in shame at her words and fiddled with my worn out dress, she was right, i'd look awful. "The Alpha King's Mate in a cell." She said out loud, "How wonderful!" "Can you stop yelling?" He grimaced at her, "Bring your voice down!" "Oh, do not worry." She winked at him, "No one will know that you had your pathetic mate locked up in a cell, everyone is asleep as per my powers." I saw my Mate sigh in relief and I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't even want me if I were him. I had scars all over my body and inscriptions, I was cursed and pathetic. Not pretty at all, too thin and utterly worthless. "What exactly do you want Fay?" He did an eye roll, "Why are you here?" "I came to make a proposition." She winked at him and moved closer to him, way too close, "And you must agree to it!" "And what proposition is that?" "You know how crazy I am for you." She placed a hand on his chest caressing it softly, "And I will do anything to have you either by seduction, my charms or witchery." I felt a sharp ting in my heart hearing her words and seeing how she was all over my mate, he didn't even bother pushing her away. "And if do not agree to this deal of yours?" He looked down at her raising a brow, "What will happen?" "I will harm that silly looking mate of yours!" She spat directly a glare at me, "I will grant her so much pain she would wish she was dead!" "I do not care what you do with her." He told her, "What ever you do to her is none of my business." I didn't know what to feel at this moment seeing that my mate didn't care about me one bit. I felt tears roll down my cheeks again and I sniffed. "Oh hear her whimpering at your blatant distaste for her." She laughed as she heard my sobs, "This would be easier than I thought." "You should leave now fay." My mate said to her, "I have a lot of things to do than strike a deal over someone I could care less about." "You are mine Lycus." She said it rubbing lazy patterns on his chest, "I will have you be it by hook or crook." She said maintaining eye contact with me while littering kisses along his jaw line. Hera howled in pain and jealousy while I just sat there crying wondering why he never bothered to push her away. "Come with me Lycus." She kissed his neck, "You know you want to." He growled lowly. "I will make you feel good, just like old times." She whispered but still loud enough for me to hear. "Fine." He grunted. She smiled at him before turning to smirk at me with a glare and before I could even blink, they were gone with no trace of them and it was like they were never there before. I couldn't stop the tears from falling and I fell back to the floor sobbing with a sad tune in my head as I replayed all what had just happened. ___________ That night Andros had given us a piece of bread after my resistance had failed, "I wouldn't want you dying on me." He had said as he flung the bread towards us. It had landed on the floor as usual and I had picked it up, dusted the sand off it and handed it to Amara which she accepted with glee after going without food for days. I was seated against the wall as her watched my daughter sleep. My stomach grumbled catching my attention, I hadn't had food in days and I wondered how I was still alive, maybe it was because I was already used to hunger, Hera was getting weaker with each passing moment and I had almost began to lose Connection with her. My gaze went back to Amara and I saw how she snuggled closely with her tiny hands hugging her knees indicating that she was cold. I stood up and walked to her doing what I had on my mind. I pulled off my dress and spread it on her to provide her with warmth leaving me in my panties and bra, shivering as the cold air hit my skin as I walked back to my sitting position. "You are somewhat quiet today." I heard Andros say accompanied with footsteps indicating that he was coming towards his cell bars, "What's up with you?" "Nothing." I chattered, "Why aren't you asleep yet?" I asked him not wanting him to drill me for more answers. "Good Lord Nyx!" He suddenly screeched, "What the f**k happened to your body?" "Stop looking at me." I shifted backwards highly alarmed and ashamed that he had seen me, "How did you even see me?" "I am a hybrid Nyx." He said, "I used Night vision, we have that. Now, who in the hell did that?" "I don't want to talk about it." I sighed, "Go to bed." "Why are you sadder than usual?" He asked, "Is it your mate?" I looked down knowing I had to say something before he tried to keep figuring me out, "No one wants me Andros." I sobbed, "No one likes me even! I am cursed, weak, ugly and pathetic." "Hey Nyx, that's not true." He said to me, "I like you a lot." lies! I chanted in my head, "Thank you." I said not knowing how to respond to his statement, "I should go to bed now." "Good night." He said after me but I didn't bother saying it back. I just walked over to where Amara was and joined her on the floor with my hands wrapped tightly around me as if it'd provide me with warmth. I lay there thinking of all what had happened with my mate and the witch and I reached a conclusion that I had to get out of here and hoped that I could start plotting my exit plan. The sweet embraces of sleep took me with my dreams filled with a pretense life of happiness and a mate who actually wanted me.
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