
1564 Words

EpilogueTeaq lay Liliwen down onto her back, admiring her beauty, which shone brightly despite the dim conditions below deck. The simple cot was not fit for a princess. None of this situation right now was as she deserved. But in all its imperfection, this moment still felt completely right. He kneeled beside the bed, fighting stiffness in his legs as he went down. As she ran her hands up and down his aching body, all the pain started to melt away. He had not come out of this unscathed. The wounds would take time to fade. The fractured ribs, especially, would keep on bothering him for a while. That was fine, though. He was used to it. But as he looked her up and down, he found that she also, had been changed. She was not as free in her movements, not as deliberate and in control

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