Chapter Fourteen

1957 Words

Chapter FourteenTeaq tried to open his eyes, but could not see a thing. His lids were swollen shut. He tried to move, but his limbs did not cooperate. The pain coursing through his body was blindingly sharp, but that was not what he was most concerned about. Liliwen! The first thing on his mind was her. Windswept hair and cheeks streaked with tears. Broc had summoned her on King Weiland's demand. She'd seen the whole thing. How painful it must have been for her. Where was she? More importantly, how was she? Was she safe? He tried to open his mouth to speak, but his jaw was swollen shut. His throat was so dry, he could barely make a sound. "Lili—" He coughed, then immediately regretted trying to speak at all. His chest was on fire, his mouth filled with the metallic taste of bl

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