19 • Mary •

1036 Words
It all happened so fast that I couldn't believe what was going on anymore. Days ago, I had resisted with all my might and heart when I was ushered into the fort, but this morning, I couldn't fathom the reason why I was so hellbent on staying. As Malva led the way towards his car with his two men from Tenty and Marco, I found myself having the thought about running, but then I couldn't. Somehow, I felt bad that I hadn't taken the time to think about those I had left behind. Especially Sister Eleanor, who has been very good to me. Now I am surprised and confused. I have heard it but still couldn't believe my ears. Ivan is here for me? Does that mean he didn't know about the transaction Dad did with the Italian Mafia godfather? Many thoughts were running through my mind, but it was soon interrupted by Marco, who opened the backseat door wide open for me. I returned to reality as I looked ahead to see Malva going to sit beside the driver's seat. He has kept mute all along and while I have dressed up and made my hair in the Rose Garden, he had waited patiently for me at the entrance. He is dressed like a Mafia man today. In a black denim jean and a black long-sleeved T-shirt. His sleeve was rolled up to his elbows, and his boots were polished and shiny. He didn't put on gloves, which gave me the reassuring thought that he wouldn't do any damage. I got into the car, and it pulled out in no time, driving out of the fort. The car took no time before it hit the road, but I didn't take notice because my eyes were all fixed on the man right before me. He sat beside Marco, who was driving. No one speaks, and the atmosphere seems to grow more thicker as the journey continues. I am sure he knows how mad I am. He knows I am displeased at his decision, but he, of course, would think he is doing me absolutely a great favor. Quietly I turned to the visor to see the other car following closely. That one which two of the Tenty men are. The ride was tense but smooth. It felt so long to me, but it only lasted for half an hour. At last, Marco turned to a lonely road, which immediately caught my attention at how deserted it was. I look around from the rear mirror to see no one and I frown, panicking. What is going on exactly? As a response to my inner question, a car came into view ahead, and I leaned closer to see my brother standing beside the car. However, what made me gasp out loud was the sight of Sister Eleanor beside him. She is here too? She is ... " Stop the car " I suddenly demanded as emotions overwhelm me. How ironic? Who would have thought Ivan would come all the way from New York to find me? Who would have thought Sister Eleanor would come along too? Marco obeyed my request at last. He stopped the car just a few paces away from Ivan's, and I hurriedly alighted. My heart caught up in my throat as my feet hit the ground. The road we have met is so lonely and silent that I can hear the wind whooshing pass, but the sound I can also overhear is that of my heart beating. " Sister... " I mutter helplessly under my breath as I hurriedly rush towards her. She meets me halfway, and we embrace, crying naturally in one another's arms. " Oh, my goodness, lord. Mary, " Sister Eleanor wept bitterly as she pulled back to cross herself. " Thank the holy Spirit you are back. Thank you so much for being alive " " How ... How did you find me? Why did you come? " " Did you even have to ask? Everyone in the Parish was stunned when you vanished overnight, just on the eve of the day you were supposed to take your vow. I have to hurry and call upon your brother. Bless him, he has done everything in his power to locate you in this ungodly place, Mary " After hearing Sister Eleanor's words, I slowly shifted my gaze towards Ivan. He is waiting but he also is understanding. A handsome man with blonde hair. Ivan, the famous popstar from the top agency who never glanced at me once, now stood before me, hoping I'd come forward. " Ivan," I mutter out his name as I head towards him. After a few seconds, I ran swiftly to hug him, and he caught me right up his arms, his palm caressing my back lovingly. " Oh m, my goodness. I thought I lost you forever, " He whispered into my hair and then pulled me much closer. " Are you okay? Are you hurt? " " No. I'm... I'm perfectly okay," I told him as I pulled back carefully, my lips quivering as I thrive to the question I feared the answers to. " Father ... Did he know you are here? " " Of Course. After I threw a fit and threat, he decided to fix an appointment with the Italian Mafia Organization and me. I was told you will be released to me. Thank goodness you are safe. Come on now. Sister Eleanor let's go. The cops will be here soon, and it will turn messy, " My brother called out, and then he wrapped his fingers around my wrist as he pulled me forward, urging me to take a step, but I didn't. I dare not. " Ivan, what did you just say? How do you mean cops? " " Those men ... " He began while pointing ahead in Malva's direction. " They are the ones who abducted you, right? I will make sure they pay for what they did to you " Cops. Does that mean ... wait a second... I slowly turn towards Malva and my heart caught up in my throat. Oh no. He is in danger.
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